A Boy of Old Japan by  Robert van Bergen


Meanings and pronunciation of Japanese words used in the text.

   pronunciation meaning
1. Deshima Day-shee-mah. Little island.
3. Shogun Shoh-goon. General-in-chief.
4. Daimiyo Die-mee-yoh. This word means Great Name.
5. Samurai Sah-moo-rye. Knights, or warrior class.
6. Yedo Yed-doh Yedo was the capital of Old Japan, from 1600 to 1868. (Now Tokyo)
7. Kyoto kee-yoh-toh. The real capital of Old Japan.
8. Tenshi Sama Ten-slice Sah-mah.Lord of Heaven.
9. Takugawa Toh-koo-ngah-wah. Ruling clan of Japan
10. Iyeyasu Ee-yay-yas. Daimiyo of the Takugawa clan, who became Shogun in 1600 A.D.
11. Sekigahara Sav-kee-gah-hah-rah. Battle in which Takugawa clan defeated its rivals.
12. Mori Moh-ree. Daimiyo of the Choshiu clan.
13. Choshiu Cho-shu. In the southwest part of the Island of Hondo, the mainland of Japan.
14. Yashiki Yash-kee. Home or mansion of clan leaders.
15. Iyemitsu Ee-yay-meets. Third Takugawa Shogan.
16. Mutsuhito Moots'-shtoh. Emperor of Japan in late 19th century.
17. Hakama hah-kah-mah. Loose trousers, part of the dress reserved to knights and nobles.
18. Kayaki kah-yah-kee. A hardwood.
19. Sho ji show-jet. Sliding doors in a Japanese home.
20. Ame ah-may. Rain doors.
21. Hibachi hte-hat-chee. A charcoal brazier, to warm the hands or light the pipe.
22. Kimono Keé-moh-noh. Full length gown.
23. hai, hai! Hie!, hie! Meaning "yes" or "coming".
25. Onna Daigaku On-nah Die-gah-koo. A book giving the rules for married women.
26. Sake ah-kee. Rice wine.
28. Metsuke Mets' kay. An official spy, appointed by the Shogun government.
29. Go rojiu Go-roh-jui. Great Council which issued all orders from the Shogun to the great Daimiyo.
31. Norimono Noh-re-moh-noh. A sort of sedan chair.
33. Tokaido Toh-kie-doh. The great highway running from Tokyo to Kyoto.
34. Mito and Aidzu Mee-toh and I-dzooTwo clans belonging to the Tokugawa family.
35. Ii Naosuke Ee-ee Nah-oh-skay.Daimiyo of Hikoni and regent of Japan, who was afterwards assassinated.
37. haori how-ree. A thin mantlet of crepe, with the coat of arms worked on the back and sleeves.
39. Shita ni iru! Shtah nee eerool "Down on your knees!", a cry uttered when Shogun or Tenshi Sama passed.
41. futon f' ton. Comforter or thin mattress.
43. Kwanto   The plain, east of the Hakone Mountains which contains Yedo.
44. Nakasendo Nah-kah-sen-doh. Another highway between Yedo and Kyoto. In the narrowest passes of both roads barriers were placed which no one could pass, except when provided with passports from the government.
45. ronin roh-neen. A samurai who did not belong to a clan. The Yedo government held the clan responsible for the acts of its samurai.
47. yadoya Yah-doh-yah. An inn.
48. hyakusho hee-yahk-show. Literally peasant.
 kodz'kai Kodz'kie. Attendant or servant.
49. ichi-roku nichiee-chee-roh-koo nee-chee.Literally one-six day. Until 1874 every fifth day was a holiday for the samurai; these days were the 1st. 6th, nth. 16th, etc.
51. tatami tah-tah-mee. Thick rush mats.
52. riyo ree-yoh. Old Japanese coin equal to about $1.00.
53. ninzoku neen-zoh-koo; A coolie or day laborer.
54. jashui mono yah-shwee moh-noh.The name by which the Roman Catholics were known.
56. tai kun Ty Coon. This is really a Chinese word and means Great Prince.
57. Oishasan O Ec-shah-sahn. Title of Honorable Physician.
58. nara hudo! nar-rah foo-doh! Which may be translated by; Is that so?—You don't say so! and similar expressions.
59. hatoba hat'-to-bah. Jetty or landing.
62. kamishimo Kah-mee'-shee-moh.A white or hemp-colored dress used only upon the most solemn occasions.
63. Seppuku sep' poo-koo. Suicide by disemboweling, commonly called hara-kiri. hah-rah' kee-ree'
65. Mito Mee-toh. Of the three great Tokugawa families, Mito, Kii, and Owari, Mito, by a secret clause in Iyeyasu's will was debarred from succeeding as Shogun.
66. Kuge Koong-ay. Court nobles, descendants from former emperors, who held the same position at the court as did the councillors in the clan.
67. Gosho Go-sho Court or residence of the Tenshi sama.
68. Sonno-joi Son-noh Joe-ee."Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarian!"
69. Saru-me sah roo may. She-monkey. An approbrious term used to express contempt and indignation.
70. Yamato DamashiiYah-mah-toh Dah-mash-yee.The Spirit of Old Japan.
73. Miya Mee-yah. Families accounted as Princes of the Blood. Most of them were nurtured like the daimiyo, and wholly unable to think for themselves.
74. Ni-jo Nee-joh. One of the leading Kugé families.
75. kakemono kah-kay-moh-noh.Hanging scroll.
76. Shimadzu Shee-mad-zoo. Family name of the lord of Satsuma.
78. Taisan Ta shan. Great Mountain, sacred mountaint of China)
83. tsubo tsoo-boh. A square measure.
84. tai-fu ty-foo. Our typhoon; lit. great storm.
88. Choteki Cho-tay-kee. Rebellion against Tenshi Sama.

The End.

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