The Story of Sir Walter Raleigh by  Margaret Duncan Kelly

Front Matter


[Series Page]


Sir Walter Raleigh.

[Title Page]

[Copyright Page]

To Alexander Duncan

Dear Xang,

I know you love fairy tales and stories of strange adventure. The story of Sir Walter Raleigh's life is as wonderful as any fairy tale, and it is also true.

He lived in the days of Good Queen Bess, when the New World had just been discovered, and brave men were sailing forth to seek glory for their country.

Many Englishmen went to the New World. But Sir Walter Raleigh was the first who thought of making another home there for some of his countrymen.

He was one of the heroes who helped to make our little island of Britain a great empire with many lands beyond the sea.

This is why we shall never forget him.

Your loving cousin,


[List of Pictures]

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