Gateway to the Classics: In the Days of the Guild by Louise Lamprey
In the Days of the Guild by  Louise Lamprey

London Bells

London town is fair and great,

Many a tower and steeple,

Bells ring early and ring late,

Mocking all the people.

Some they say, "Good provender,"

Some they sing, "Sweet lavender,"

Some they call, "The taverner,"

Some they cry, "The fripperer

Is lord of London Town!"

London town is great and wide,

Many a stately dwelling,

And her folk that there abide

Are beyond all telling.

But by land or water-gate,

Aldgate, Newgate, Bishopsgate,

Ludgate, Moorgate, Cripplegate,

Bells ring early and ring late,

The bells of London Town.

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