The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by  Horace E. Scudder

The Jackdaw and the Doves

A Jackdaw once looked into a dove-cote, and saw the Doves well fed and cared for; so he went away and daubed himself white, and then came back to make himself one of them. As long as he kept quiet they let him stay, thinking he was a Dove. But as soon as he opened his mouth to sing, they found out who was, and drove him out of the dove-cote.

He, poor fellow, now went back to the Jack-daws. But they did not know him on account of his white coat, and would not let him join them.

And so, for wanting to get into two companies, he missed both.

This fable teaches that it is best for us to be content with our own kind. The greedy not only miss what they seek, but often lose what they have.

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