Elva S. Smith

As Joseph Was A-Walking

Old English Carol

As Joseph was a-walking

He heard an angel sing:—

"This night there shall be born

Our heavenly King.

"He neither shall be born

In housen, nor in hall,

Nor in the place of Paradise,

But in an ox's stall.

"He neither shall be clothèd

In purple nor in pall;

But in the fair, white linen,

That usen babies all.

"He neither shall be rockèd

In silver nor in gold,

But in a wooden cradle

That rocks on the mould.

"He neither shall be christened

In white wine nor in red,

But with fair spring water

With which we were christenèd."

Mary took her baby,

She dressed Him so sweet,

She laid Him in a manger,

All there for to sleep.

As she stood over Him

She heard angels sing,

"O bless our dear Saviour,

Our heavenly King."