Robinson Crusoe for Children by  James Baldwin

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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children
by James Baldwin
Adaptation of the story of Robinson Crusoe for children. Relates how the shipwrecked sailor makes a new life for himself on the island, crafting shelter, food, and clothing for himself from the few tools he rescued from the ship and what he is able to find on the island. Living on the island for over twenty years before he is finally rescued, he reinvents almost everything necessary for daily sustenance.  Ages 7-9
182 pages $11.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

I Wish To Be a Sailor
I Make My First Voyage
I See Much of the World
I Undertake a New Venture
I Am Shipwrecked
I Am Cast upon a Strange Shore
I Find a Strange Lodging Place
I Visit the Wreck
I Make Me a Raft
I Carry Some Things Ashore
I Learn That I Am on an Island
I Have a Strange Visitor
I Find a Great Store of Things
I Build Me a Castle
I Go A-Hunting
I Keep Myself Busy
I Have a Great Fright
I Explore My Island
I Get Ready for Winter
I Make Me a Calendar
I Sow Some Grain
I Make a Long Journey
I Harvest My Grain
I Work under Many Difficulties
I Become a Potter
I Build a Big Canoe
I Make an Umbrella
I Have a Perilous Adventure
I Am Alarmed by a Voice
I Am Happy as a King
I Learn to Bake and Am Prosperous
I See Something in the Sand
I Am Again Alarmed
I Make a Surprising Discovery
I Explore My Cave Further
I See Savages
I Discover a Wreck
I Make Another Voyage
I Have a Queer Dream
I Get Hold of a Savage
I Am Pleased with My Man Friday
I Teach Friday Many Things
I Make a New Boat
I See a Strange Sail
I Make a Bold Rescue
I Have an Anxious Day
I Am Called Governor
I Have a New Suit of Clothes
I Bring My Tale to a Close

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