An American Book of Golden Deeds by  James Baldwin

Table of Contents

Front Matter

A Modest Lad
The Boiler Cleaners
Tom Flynn of Virginia
Peter Woodland
A Quick-Witted Mountain Girl
A Lad of the Docks
Patrick McCormick's Holiday
Little Boy Blue and Golyer's Ben
The Red Skirt
The Bootblack from Ann Street
The Race with the Flood
Heroic Madelon
The Heroine of Fort Henry
Thomas Hovendon—Artist
"Are You There, My Lad?"
A Hero of Valley Forge
The Wilderness Preacher
A Patriotic Quakeress
Ezekiel and Daniel
Through Smoke and Fire
Heroes of the Storm
The Life Savers of Lone Hill
The School Children's Friend
"A Knight without Reproach"
The Story of Mary Lyon
The Apostle of the Indians
An Unappreciated Patriot
A Princely Merchant
In Arctic Seas
Five Scenes in a Noble Life
"An Angel of Mercy"
The Sympathy of Abraham Lincoln
The Sanitary Commission
"The Tombs Angel"
The Red Cross
The Little Mother
The Object of the Commission
The Youngest of the Heroes
A Race to Death
The Dynamite Hero
A Rare Act of Courage
Saving One's Enemy
A Schoolgirl's Heroism

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