The Golden Fleece: More Old Greek Stories by  James Baldwin

Table of Contents

Driven into Exile
The Forest Journey
The Oaks of Dodona
The Curse of Athamas
Salmoneus the Thunderer
The Maiden and the River God
An Unequal Contest
"A Captive to a Captive"
The Lad with a Livid Face
A Garden Better Than a Throne
The Hiding of the Prince
The Training of a Hero
The Fording of the Torrent
"One Foot Sandaled and the Other Bare"
The Perilous Quest
The Building of the Argo
The Departure of the Argo
The Cry of the Kingfisher
The Losing of Hylas
Blind Phineus and the Harpies
The Peril of the Clashing Rocks
The Voyage across the Pontus
In the Halls of King Aeetes
The Brewing of the Magic Lotion
In the Field of Mars
The Winning of the Fleece
The Flight and the Pursuit
The Voyage of the Ister
The Island of Circe
The Sirens and the Perilous Straits
The Garden of the Hesperides
The Man of Brass
The Home-Coming

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