In My Youth by  James Baldwin

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In My Youth
by James Baldwin
A decidedly different autobiography, originally published under the pseudonym Robert Dudley, eventually revealed to be James Baldwin. A portrayal of life in rural Indiana in the middle of the 19th century it certainly is, but it is so much more. In the words of Mr. Howland, an editor for the original publisher, 'It is difficult to describe just what there is so remarkable about this book, but it is undeniably wonderful. It is literature. It is a strange combination of autobiography and fiction, and records only the simplest happenings -- the life of people in the Indiana backwoods, the primitive life, the commonplace experiences, the visits between neighbors. To tell about it in this way does not make it sound remarkable, yet it is. The style is simple and clear; there is a quiet humor running through it, and in other places the reading brings tears to the eyes.'  Ages 10-12
554 pages $21.95   

Table of Contents

The Center of the World
"This Is My Library!"
Evenings at Home
Borrowing Fire
In the Big Woods
At Cousin Sally's
Going to Meetin'
The Angel of the Facing Bench
Ikey Bright
The Big-House
A Memorable Occasion
The Friend from England
Something from the Saddle-Bags
The Departure of the Caravan
What They Brought from the 'Hio
News from the County Seat
"The Slavers"
The Great Moral Exhibition
A Friend Indeed
My Day in Paradise
Old Aunt Sary
"Going to School?"
"Shades of the Prison House"
My First Merry Christmas
The Awakening
Charity and Patience
The Raisin' and the Quiltin'
The Ruse
The Long Way about It

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