The Adventures of Grandfather Frog by  Thornton Burgess

Table of Contents

Billy Mink Finds Little Joe Otter
Longlegs the Blue Heron Receives Callers
Longlegs Visits the Smiling Pool
The Patience of Longlegs the Blue Heron
Grandfather Frog Jumps Just in Time
Longlegs and Whitetail Quarrel
Grandfather Frog's Big Mouth Gets Him in Trouble
Spotty the Turtle Plays Doctor
Old Mr. Toad Visits Grandfather Frog
Grandfather Frog Starts Out to See the Great World
Grandfather Frog Is Stubborn
Grandfather Frog Keeps On
Danny Meadow Mouse Feels Responsible
Grandfather Frog Has a Strange Ride
Grandfather Frog Gives Up Hope
The Merry Little Breezes Work Hard
Striped Chipmunk Cuts the String
Grandfather Frog Hurries Away
Grandfather Frog Jumps into More Trouble
Grandfather Frog Loses Heart
The Merry Little Breezes Comfort Grandfather Frog
Grandfather Frog's Troubles Grow
The Dear Old Smiling Pool Once More

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