The Adventures of Sammy Jay by  Thornton W. Burgess

Table of Contents

Sammy Jay Makes a Fuss
A Bitter Disappointment
The Vanity of Sammy Jay
Sammy Jay Gets Even with Peter Rabbit
Sammy Jay Brings News
Black Pussy Almost Catches a Good Breakfast
Chatterer Works Hard
Sammy Jay Drops a Hint
Chatterer Screws Up His Courage
Chatterer Studies a Way To Get Farmer Brown's Corn
Chatterer Grows Reckless
Chatterer Frightens Sammy Jay
Sammy Jay Tells His Troubles to Reddy Fox
Reddy Fox Plays Spy
Sammy Jay Spoils the Plan of Reddy Fox
Chatterer and Sammy Jay Quarrel
Chatterer and Sammy Jay Make Up
Chatterer Has To Keep His Promise
Chatterer Gets Sammy Jay Some Corn
Chatterer Remembers Something
Sammy Jay Makes a Call
Chatterer Has a Dreadful Day
Chatterer Hits on a Plan at Last
Chatterer Has His Turn To Laugh

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