The Adventures of Prickly Porky by  Thornton Burgess

Table of Contents

Happy Jack Squirrel Makes a Find
The Stranger from the North
Prickly Porky Makes Friends
Peter Rabbit Has Some Startling News
Peter Rabbit Tells His Story
Peter Has To Tell His Story Many Times
Jimmy Skunk Calls on Prickly Porky
Prickly Porky Nearly Chokes
Jimmy Skunk and Unc' Billy Possum Tell Stories
Unc' Billy Possum Tells Jimmy Skunk a Secret
What Happened to Reddy Fox
What Reddy Fox Saw and Did
Reddy Fox Is Very Miserable
Reddy Fox Tries To Keep Out of Sight
Old Granny Fox Investigates
Old Granny Fox Loses Her Dignity
Granny Fox Catches Peter Rabbit
A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed
Jimmy Skunk Takes Word to Mrs. Peter
A Plot To Frighten Old Man Coyote
Sammy Jay Delivers His Message
Old Man Coyote Loses His Appetite
Buster Bear Gives It All Away

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