The Return of Tarzan by  Edgar Rice Burroughs

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Affair on the Liner
Forging Bonds of Hate and—?
What Happened to Rue Maule
The Countess Explains
The Plot that Failed
A Duel
The Dancing Girl of Sidi Aissa
The Fight in the Desert
Numa "El Adrea"
Through the Valley of the Shadow
John Caldwell, London
Ships that Pass
The Wreck of the "Lady Alice"
Back to the Primitive
From Ape to Savage
The Ivory Raiders
The White Chief of the Waziri
The Lottery of Death
The City of Gold
The Castaways
The Treasure Vaults of Opar
The Fifty Frightful Men
How Tarzan Came Again to Opar
Through the Forest Primeval
The Passing of the Ape-man

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