Three Greek Children by  Alfred J. Church

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Three Greek Children
by Alfred J. Church
When events during the Peloponnesian War demand it, the three children of Leon and Elpinicé are dispatched quickly from their home in Athens to take refuge in Sparta. During their sojourn there they learn much about Spartan customs and hear stories from Spartan history, which, when added to their personal experience of Athenian customs and stories of Athenian history, give a full picture of life in ancient Greece as children experienced it in the 5th century B.C.  Ages 9-11
148 pages $11.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Home in Athens
The Home at Marathon
At the Toilet
Old Hylax
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic
A Friend
The End of Sciton
A Voyage
The Peiraeus
A Family Sacrifice
At Sparta
The Story of Aristomenes
A Marriage
Good-bye to Sparta
At Corinth
The Games
At Home Again

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