Indian History for Young Folks by  Francis S. Drake


The "Old French War"
The Backwoodsmen of Kentucky
The Black Hawk War
Conquering the Warlike Apaches
Early European Intercourse with the Indians
French and Indian Wars
Indian Wars
The Indians Join Britain against the Colonies
The Indians of the Present Day
The Iroquois
Joseph's Nez Perces and the Story of the Poncas
King Philip's War
The New England Indians
Pontiac's War
Roger's Rangers
The Sioux War of 1890-1891
The Southern Indians
Story of a Captive
Tecumseh and the War of 1812
The Ute Outbreak of 1879
Virginia Colonized
War with the Creek Nation
War with the Seminoles of Florida
War with the Western Indians
What We Know about the American Indian

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