The Tortoise and the Geese by  Maude Barrows Dutton

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The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai
by Maude Barrows Dutton
Thirty-four animal fables ably retold from the Panchatantra of India. Originally written in Sanskrit, tradition attributes the fables to Bidpai, an Indian sage, who, as legend has it, wrote them to instruct the king in moral wisdom. The king was delighted with the gentle wisdom and humor of the fables, which continue to be enjoyed by children to this day. Attractive black and white illustrations complement the text.  Ages 7-10
84 pages $9.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Tortoise and the Geese
The Fox, the Hen, and the Drum
The Carpenter and the Ape
The Poor Man and the Flask of Oil
The Rich Man and the Bundle of Wood
The Scorpion and the Tortoise
The Partridge and the Crow
The Hunter, the Fox, and the Leopard
The Youth, the Hawk, and the Raven
The Bleacher, the Crane, and the Hawk
The Gardener and the Bear
The Hen and the Falcon
The Three Fish
The Frog, the Crab, and the Serpent
The Tyrant Who Became a Just Ruler
The Apes, the Glow-Worm, and the Popinjay
The Fox and the Piece of Meat
The Blind Man and the Snake
The Farmer, the Sheep, and the Robbers
The Sparrows and the Snake
The Ape and the Boar
The Rustic and the Nightingale
The Partridge and the Hawk
The King, the Falcon, and the Drinking-Cup
The Hare, the Fox, and the Wolf
The Merchant and His Iron
The Lean Cat and the Fat Cat
The King, the Hermit, and the Two Princes
The Two Travelers
The Lion and the Hare
The Crane and the Crab
The Ass, the Lion, and the Folk
The Crow, the Jackal, the Wolf, and the Camel
The Camel Driver and the Adder

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