Boy Life on the Prairie by  Hamlin Garland

Table of Contents

Front Matter

A Night Ride in a Prairie Schooner
The Fall's Ploughing
Winter Winds
Great Blizzard
The Coming of Spring
Planting Corn
Snaring Gophers
Summer-Time—Herding the Cattle
The Wild Meadows—Haying Time
A Fourth of July Celebration
Hired Men
Lincoln's First Stack
The Old-Fashioned Threshing
Threshing in the Field
The Corn Husking
The Coming of the Circus
A Camping Trip
A Day in the Old-Time Harvest Field
The Battle of the Bulls
The Terror of the Rattlesnake
Owen Rides at the County Fair
A Chapter on Prairie Game
Visiting Schools
A Momentous Wolf-Hunt
Lincoln Goes Away to School

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