Stories of the Saints by  Grace Hall

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Palace of Gondoforus
St Mary of Egypt
The Gentle Giant
St Patrick
St Bridget of Kildare
St Elfleda's Ale
The Saintly Friends of Assisi
St John Gualbert's Crucifix
St Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins
St Edward's Smile and the Seven Sleepers
St Zita's Pilgrimage
St Nicholas
St Herman-Joseph's Apple
St Louis of France
The Patience of St Frances the Roman
St Margaret of Scotland
The Silence of St John of Nepomuk
St Charles Borromero
St Ruadan's Protection
St Gudula's Lantern
St Anthony of Padua
The Roses of St Rose
The Good Almoner's Hat
St Gonsalvo's Bridge
Saints Stephen, Lawrence, and Hippolytus
St Clothilde's Banner
St Bernardine of Siena
St Raymond's Boat
St Elizabeth of Hungary
The Dedication of St Francis Borgia
St Jeanne D'Arc
St Francis and the Birds
St Roch and His Dog
St Rigobert and His Goose
St Deicolus and the Wild Boar
St Giles and the Hind
St Corentin's Fish
St Oringa and the Hare
St Spiridion's Mules
St Umiliata and the Weasel
St Felix and the Spider
St Luanomar's Cow
St Kentigern and the Robin
The Friend of St Gerasimus
Chronological Order of the Saints

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