On the Trail of Grant and Lee by  Frederick Trevor Hill

Table of Contents

Back Matter

Three Civil Wars
Washington and Lee
Lee at West Point
The Boyhood of Grant
Grant at West Point
Lieutenant Grant under Fire
Captain Lee at the Front
Colonel Lee after the Mexican War
Captain Grant in a Hard Fight
Grant's Difficulties in Securing a Command
Lee at the Parting of the Ways
Opening Moves
Grant's First Success
The Battle of Shiloh
Lee in the Saddle
A Game of Strategy
Lee and the Invasion of Maryland
The Battle of Antietam or Sharpsburg
Lee against Burnside and Hooker
In the Hour of Triumph
Grant at Vicksburg
The Battle of Gettysburg
In the Face of Disaster
The Rescue of Two Armies
Lieutenant-General Grant
A Duel to the Death
Check and Countercheck
The Beginning of the End
At Bay
The Surrender
Lee's Years of Peace
The Head of the Nation

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