Legends of Greece and Rome by  Grace H. Kupfer

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Kingdom above the Clouds
Two Gifts from the Gods, and What Came of Them
The Great Bear and the Little Bear
A Story of Springtime—Part I
A Story of Springtime—Part II
The Childhood of Apollo and Diana
Echo and Narcissus
How Narcissus Loved His Own Image
A Web and a Spider
The Story of the Laurel
The Story of the Sweet Singer
The Queen Huntress and a Bold Hunter
The Story of Perseus
How Perseus Went in Quest of Medusa's Head
How Perseus Won a Wife
The Story of Io
How a Mother's Pride Was Humbled
A Mighty Hero of Olden Times
The Story of a Poisoned Shirt
The Artisan's Wonderful Wings
A Cruel King
A Lock of Purple Hair, and What Came of It
The Cruel King's Punishment
A Thread That Saved Many Lives
How a Wicked City Was Destroyed
A Dream That Came True
The Story of the Golden Fleece—Part I
The Story of the Golden Fleece—Part II
The Story of the Golden Fleece—Part III
How a Boy Loved a Stag
A Sea God and a Wicked Enchantress
A Youth Who Was Changed into a Flower
The Story of Pygmalion and Galatea—Part I
The Story of Pygmalion and Galatea—Part II
A Musical Contest of Long Ago
The Boastful Shepherd
A Giant Who Loved a Sea Nymph
A Jealous Goddess
The God of Fire
A Faithless King

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