Home Geography by  C. C. Long

Table of Contents

Front Matter

How the Sun Shows Direction
How the Stars Show Direction
How the Compass Shows Direction
Questions on Direction
What the Winds Bring
How To Tell Distance
Pictures and Plans
Written Exercise
God Made Them All
Hills, Mountains, Valleys
Rain, Wind, and Snow
How Water Is Changed to Vapor
How Vapor Is Changed to Water
Dew, Clouds, and Rain
The Fairy Artist
How Rivers Are Made
More about Rivers
The Brook
Work of Flowing Rivers
Waterdrop's Story
The River
A Map
Forms of Land and Water
More about Forms of Land and Water
A Trip to the Highlands
Useful Vegetables
Useful Grains
Useful Plants
Forest Trees
What Is Necessary To Make Plants Grow
Summer Rain
The Parts of the Animals
The Covering of Animals
Uses of Animals
The Signs of the Seasons
Things Found in the Earth
More Things Found in the Earth
How People Live and What They Are Doing
More about What People Are Doing
A Review Lesson

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