Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts by  Frank R. Stockton

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Bold Buccaneers
Some Masters in Piracy
Pupils in Piracy
Peter the Great
The Story of a Pearl Pirate
The Surprising Adventures of Bartholemy Portuguez
The Pirate who Could not Swim
How Bartholemy Rested Himself
A Pirate Author
The Story of Roc the Brazilian
A Buccaneer Boom
The Story of L'Olonnois the Cruel
A Resurrected Pirate
Villany on a Grand Scale
A Just Reward
A Pirate Potentate
How Morgan was Helped by Some Religious People
A Piratical Aftermath
A Tight Place for Morgan
The Story of a High-Minded Pirate
Exit Buccaneer; Enter Pirate
The Great Blackbeard comes upon the Stage
A True-Hearted Sailor Draws
A Greenhorn under the Black Flag
Bonnet Again to the Front
The Battle of the Sand Bars
A Six Weeks' Pirate
The Story of Two Women Pirates
A Pirate from Boyhood
A Pirate of the Gulf
The Pirate of the Buried Treasure
The Real Captain Kidd

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