Practical Arithmetics, Second Book, Part 2 by  Strayer and Upton

Table of Contents

145. Dividing Fractions
146. Inverting a Fraction
147. Dividing a Fraction by a Whole Number
148. Dividing Mixed Numbers
149. Improvement Test Number 8
150. What Is Your Average
151. What Dividing by a Fraction Means
152. How To Divide by a Fraction
153. Dividing by a Fraction
154. How Long Does John Walk?
155. Dividing Mixed Numbers
156. Division of Fractions
157. Using Fractions in Problems
158. In Pioneer Days
159. Reindeer in Alaska
160. Henry's Alarm Clark
161. Exploring a Dark Dungeon
162. Exploring Other Dungeons
163. Comparing a Number with a Smaller One
164. Working Problems by Comparing Numbers
165. Another Way to Compare Numbers
166. Finding What Part One Number Is of Another
167. Finding What Part One Number Is of Another
168. Finding the Whole When a Part Is Known
169. Parts of a Dollar
170. Making Purchases
171. Mixed Practice
172. Problems
173. Improvement Test Number 9
174. The Cost of Electricity
175. The Cost of Electricity
176. Monthly Bills
177. Making Out Bills
178. Bills with Credit Items
179. Diagnostic Test
180. Problem Test C1
181. Diagnostic Test
182. Measures
183. How Length Is Measured
184. Comparing Lengths
185. Measuring Distances
186. Liquid Measure
187. Measuring Fruits and Grains
188. How Weight Is Measured
189. Weighing Heavy Things
190. Units for Measuring Time
191. Problems About Time
192. Counting Articles
193. Mixed Practice
194. Problem Test C2
195. Improvement Test Number C10
196. The Pony Express
197. The Pony Express (continued)
198. Area of a Rectangle
199. Finding Areas of Rectangles
200. Expressing Dimensions in the Same Unit
201. Farms and Gardens
202. Drawing Jack's Workbench
203. The Plan of a Bungalow
204. How To Find the Volume of a Box
205. Finding Volumes
206. Table of Cubic Measure
207. Some Problems of a Sheep Ranch
208. Problems without Numbers
209. Mixed Practice
210. Decimals
211. Reading and Writing Decimals
212. Reading and Writing Decimals
213. Measuring How Far You Ride
214. How To Add Decimals
215. Using Decimals in Addition
216. Taking Trips
217. Subtracting and Adding Decimals
218. Measuring Rainfall to 100ths of an Inch
219. Measuring Rainfall and Snowfall
220. Changing a Decimal to a Common Fraction
221. Improvement Test Number 11
222. Problem Test C3
223. Multiplying a Decimal by a Whole Number
224. Graded Exercises
225. Problems That Use Decimals
226. Multiplying a Decimal by a Decimal
227. Graded Exercises
228. Problems
229. Placing the Decimal Point
230. Problems without Numbers
231. Diagnostic Test
232. Bar Graphs
233. Making Bar Graphs
234. Graphing Larger Numbers
235. Practice in Making Graphs
236. Growing Apples in the United States
237. Improvement Test Number 12
238. On a Turkey Farm
239. Mixed Practice
240. Reading the Newspaper
241. How To Divide a Decimal by a Whole Number
242. Where It Rains the Most and the Least
243. Graded Exercises
244. Avoiding Remainders in Division
245. Changing a Common Fraction to a Decimal
246. Expressing Remainders as Decimals
247. Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100
248. Perfect Magic Squares
249. Diagnostic Tests
250. Maple Sugar
251. Henry's Chickens
252. Diagnostic Tests
253. Diagnostic Tests
254. Miscellaneous Problems
255. Promotion Test
256. Promotion Test

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