Growth of the British Empire by  M. B. Synge

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The Growth of the British Empire
by M. B. Synge
Book V of the Story of the World Series. Treats the revolutions in South America and Mexico, the Boer War in South Africa, and the exploration of Central Africa, the Greek and Italian wars for independence, the Crimean War, the American Civil War, the opening of trade with Japan and China, and the rebellion in India.  Ages 13-18
270 pages $13.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

How Spain Lost South America
The Heroes of Independence
The Greek War
Victoria—Queen of England
The Great Boer Trek
The Story of Natal
The Story of Canada
The Fur-Traders' Land
The Winning of the West
A Great Arctic Expedition
Discoveries in Australia
The Last King of France
Louis Kossuth and Hungary
The Crimean War
The Indian Mutiny
The Awakening of Italy
King of United Italy
Civil War in America
The Mexican Revolution
Founding the German Empire
The Franco-German War
The Dream of Cecil Rhodes
The Dutch Republics of South Africa
Livingstone's Discoveries in Central Africa
China's Long Sleep
The Land of the Rising Sun
Japan—Britain's Ally
The Annexation of Burma
The Story of Afghanistan
The Empire of India
Gordon—The Hero of Khartum
The Redemption of Egypt
The Story of British West Africa
The Story of Uganda
The Founding of Rhodesia
British South Africa
The Dominion of Canada
Australia—the New Nation
Freedom for Cuba
Reign of Queen Victoria
Welding the Empire

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