In the Days of William the Conqueror by  Eva March Tappan

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In the Days of William the Conqueror
by Eva March Tappan
Story of the life of William the Conqueror, telling of his boyhood in Normandy, beset by dangers, of his knighting by the King of France and of the after-deeds which made him famous, including the conquest of England.  Ages 11-15
239 pages $12.95   

Table of Contents

About This Text

Front Matter

Back Matter

That Which He Would Have
The Banquet at Rouen
From Castle to Cottage
Robert the Pilgrim
The Little Duke
Guest or Prisoner?
"William Knows How"
A Visit to England
What He Has He Holds
A Voice from the Cliff
Promise or Prison?
On Board the "Mora"
"England Is Mine"
"Will You Yield?"
A Stern Rule
The Last Year

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