Kindergarten Read Aloud Banquet

Nursery Songs for July

Over the Hills and Far Away


Buy a Broom

Lucy Locket

A Child's Garden of Verses


Of speckled eggs the birdie sings

And nests among the trees;

The sailor sings of ropes and things

In ships upon the seas.

The children sing in far Japan,

The children sing in Spain;

The organ with the organ man

Is singing in the rain.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 6 Too Late Reddy Fox Hears The Snow House Lazy Jack The Bees and the Kingbird The Minstrel's Song The School Story Joseph, the Dreamer
Two Birds Little Pussy Leg over Leg Simple Simon Lucy Locket Play Days When Jenny Wren Was Young
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Old Old Tales Retold  by Frederick Richardson

dropcap image NE DAY when Chicken Licken was scratching among the leaves, an acorn fell out of a tree and struck her on the tail.

"Oh," said Chicken Licken, "the sky is falling! I am going to tell the King."

So she went along and went along until she met Henny Penny.

"Good morning, Chicken Licken, where are you going?" said Henny Penny.

"Oh, Henny Penny, the sky is falling and I am going to tell the King!"

"How do you know that the sky is falling?" asked Henny Penny.

"I saw it with my own eyes, I heard it with my own ears, and a piece of it fell on my tail!" said Chicken Licken.

"Then I will go with you," said Henny Penny.

So they went along and went along until they met Cocky Locky.

"Good morning, Henny Penny and Chicken Licken," said Cocky Locky, "where are you going?"


"Oh, Cocky Locky, the sky is falling, and we are going to tell the King!"

"How do you know the sky is falling?" asked Cocky Locky.

"Chicken Licken told me," said Henny Penny.

"I saw it with my own eyes, I heard it with my own ears and a piece of it fell on my tail!" said Chicken Licken.

"Then I will go with you," said Cocky Locky, "and we will tell the King."

So they went along and went along until they met Ducky Daddles.

"Good morning, Cocky Locky, Henny Penny, and Chicken Licken," said Ducky Daddles, "where are you going?"


"Oh, Ducky Daddles, the sky is falling and we are going to tell the King!"

"How do you know the sky is falling?" asked Ducky Daddles.

"Henny Penny told me," said Cocky Locky.

"Chicken Licken told me," said Henny Penny.

"I saw it with my own eyes, I heard it with my own ears, and a piece of it fell on my tail!" said Chicken Licken.

"Then I will go with you," said Ducky Daddles, "and we will tell the King."


So they went along and went along until they met Goosey Loosey.

"Good morning, Ducky Daddles, Cocky Locky, Henny Penny, and Chicken Licken," said Goosey Loosey, "where are you going?"


"Oh, Goosey Loosey, the sky is falling and we are going to tell the King!"

"How do you know the sky is falling?" asked Goosey Loosey.

"Cocky Locky told me," said Ducky Daddles.

"Henny Penny told me," said Cocky Locky.

"Chicken Licken told me," said Henny Penny.

"I saw it with my own eyes, I heard it with my own ears, and a piece of it fell on my tail!" said Chicken Licken.

"Then I will go with you," said Goosey Loosey, "and we will tell the King!"

So they went along and went along until they met Turkey Lurkey.

"Good morning, Goosey Loosey, Ducky Daddles, Cocky Locky, Henny Penny, and Chicken Licken," said Turkey Lurkey, "where are you going?"


"Oh, Turkey Lurkey, the sky is falling and we are going to tell the King!"

"How do you know the sky is falling?" asked Turkey Lurkey.

"Ducky Daddles told me," said Goosey Loosey.

"Cocky Locky told me," said Ducky Daddles.

"Henny Penny told me," said Cocky Locky.

"Chicken Licken told me," said Henny Penny.

"I saw it with my own eyes, I heard it with my own ears, and a piece of it fell on my tail!" said Chicken Licken.

"Then I will go with you," said Turkey Lurkey, "and we will tell the King!"

So they went along and went along until they met Foxy Woxy.

"Good morning, Turkey Lurkey, Goosey Loosey, Ducky Daddles, Cocky Locky, Henny Penny, and Chicken Licken," said Foxy Woxy, "where are you going?"


"Oh, Foxy Woxy, the sky is falling and we are going to tell the King!"

"How do you know that the sky is falling?" asked Foxy Woxy.

"Goosey Loosey told me," said Turkey Lurkey.

"Ducky Daddles told me," said Goosey Loosey.

"Cocky Locky told me," said Ducky Daddles.

"Henny Penny told me," said Cocky Locky.

"Chicken Licken told me," said Henny Penny.

"I saw it with my own eyes, I heard it with my own ears, and a piece of it fell on my tail," said Chicken Licken.

"Then we will run, we will run to my den," said Foxy Woxy, "and I will tell the King."


So they all ran to Foxy Woxy's den, and the King was never told that the sky was falling.
