Pictures from Roman Life and Story by  Alfred J. Church

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

A Child of Fortune
Maecenas and His Friends
A Day with Horace
The Death of Augustus
A Mutiny
The Empress-Mother
The Death and Burial of Germanicus
The Rise and Fall of Sejanus
Tiberius at Capri
The Madman on the Throne
Caractacus Before Claudius
The Deification of Claudius
The Death of the Younger Agrippina
A Struggle for Freedom
The Great Fire of Rome
A Great Conspiracy
The Last Hours of a Philosopher
The Death of Nero
A Nobleman of the Old School
The Battle of Bedriacum and the Death of Otho
An Imperial Glutton
The Burning of the Capitol
A Student
A Man of Business
A Soldier and a Scholar
The Story of Epponina
The Darling of Mankind
A Great Captain
A Roman Gentleman
A Family of Patriots
A Fashionable Poet
A Criminal Lawyer
A Just Emperor
A Great Show
A Roman at Athens
An Imperial Philosopher

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