A Little Brother to the Bear by  William J. Long

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A Little Brother to the Bear
by William J. Long
Mooweesuk the Coon is called the bear's little brother by both Indians and naturalists, because of the many ways in which he resembles the 'big prowler in the black coat.' An absorbing chapter on the coon's secret habits begins this volume, followed by stories about the woodcock, the wildcat, the toad, and many other animals.  Ages 9-12
280 pages $13.95   

Table of Contents

The Point of View
A Little Brother to the Bear
Whitooweek the Hermit
Woodcock Genius
When Upweekis Goes Hunting
K'dunk the Fat One
Mooween's Den
Kingfisher's Kindergarten
Pekompf's Cunning
Animal Surgery
Hunting without a Gun

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