The Tudors and the Stuarts by  M. B. Synge

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

How Men and Women Lived Four Hundred Years Ago
Henry VII, Columbus, and Cabot
How Henry VII Ruled England
How Henry VIII Changed the Old Order
Thomas Cromwell and Destruction of the Monasteries
Protestant Edward VI and Catholic Queen Mary
Elizabeth Queen of England and Mary Queen of Scots
Spain and the Sea Rovers
The Spanish Armada
The Doings of Elizabeth's Sailors after the Armada
England's Greatness in the Days of Elizabeth
The Great Drama of the Stuart Period
A Picture of England Three Hundred Years Ago
What Gunpowder Plot Was
Misrule of the Stuarts: James I
Misrule of the Stuarts: Charles I
Misrule of the Stuarts: The Eleven Years' Rule
The Story of the Long Parliament
The Great Civil War
Trial and Death of Charles I
Oliver Cromwell and the Commonwealth
Charles II: The "Merrie Monarch"
James II and the Glorious Revolution
William III and the Revolution Settlement
Queen Anne and Marlborough
A Review of Life and Progress in Stuart Times

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