Gateway to the Classics: The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
The Story of the Cid for Young People by  Calvin Dill Wilson


The Almoravides Come from Africa
The Cid Avenges King Yahia
The Cid Challenges the Infantes to Mortal Combat
The Cid Goes to Toledo for Justice
The Cid Is Banished
The Cid Is Reconciled with Don Alfonso
The Cid's Daughters Marry the Infantes of Carrion
The Cid's Family Arrives in Valencia
The Combat at Carrion
Death of the Cid
Don Ferrando Divides His Kingdom
Don Sancho Makes War on His Brothers
Famine in Valencia
The Final Victory
The Great Sultan Offers Friendship to the Cid
A Great Victory over the Africans
The Hero of Spain
The Infantes Abuse the Cid's Daughters
King Yucef of Morocco Besieges Valencia
The King of Zaragoza
The Land of the Moors
Rodrigo Becomes 'El Cid Campeador'
Rodrigo Defeats the Champion of Aragon
The Siege of Valencia
The Siege of Zamora
Valencia Surrenders to the Cid

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