The Fall of the Year by  Dallas Lore Sharp

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The Fall of the Year
by Dallas Lore Sharp
Stirring accounts of the author’s autumn adventures in the out of doors, interspersed with specific suggestions for tramps afield in the fall of the year providing things to look for and hear and do as the world turns toward winter. Includes six bits of sound advice about going afield at any season that are not to be missed!  Ages 10-12
131 pages $12.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

The Clock Strikes One
Along the Highway of the Fox
In the Toadfish's Shoe
A Chapter of Things To See This Fall
Whipped by Eagles
Thanksgiving at Grandfather's Farm
A Chapter of Things To Do This Fall
The Muskrats Are Building
The North Wind Doth Blow
An Outdoor Lesson
A Chapter of Things To Hear This Fall
Honk, Honk, Honk!
Notes and Suggestions to the Teacher

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