The Spring of the Year by  Dallas Lore Sharp

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The Spring of the Year
by Dallas Lore Sharp
The excitement of the author is palpable as he recounts his observation of one sign of spring after another. Readers are likely to be infected with his enthusiasm and take on some of the activities suggested in the Things To See, Things To Hear, and Things To Do chapters that are interspersed between accounts of wondrous happenings in spring in the great out of doors. Special emphasis is placed on the rewards to be gained by selecting and coming to know one particular place intimately.  Ages 10-12
145 pages $12.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Spring! Spring! Spring!
The Spring Running
An Old Apple Tree
A Chapter of Things To See This Spring
If You Had Wings
A Chapter of Things To Do This Spring
The Palace in the Pig-Pen
Is It a Life of Fear?
The Buzzard of the Bear Swamp
A Chapter of Things To Hear This Spring
Turtle Eggs for Agassiz
An Account with Nature
Woods Medicine
Notes and Suggestions to the Teacher

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