Summer by  Dallas Lore Sharp

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by Dallas Lore Sharp
While recounting highlights of one of his summer vacations, the author gives hints on how you can make the most of yours. Go with some purpose, he urges, to visit some particular spot, see some bird, find some flower, or catch some fish! If you are short on ideas, chapters on Things to See, Things to Do, and Things to Hear are chock-full of enticing suggestions of what to focus on during your tramps in fields and woods. A clarion call to venture outside in summer with all your senses alert, wherever you go.  Ages 10-12
121 pages $12.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

The Summer Afield
The Wild Animals at Play
A Chapter of Things To See This Summer
The Coyote of Pelican Point
From T Wharf to Franklin Field
A Chapter of Things To Hear This Summer
The Sea-Birds' Home
The Mother Murre
Mother Carey's Chickens
Riding the Rim Rock
A Chapter of Things To Do This Summer
The "Cony"

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