The Way of the Green Pastures by  E. Hershey Sneath

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Doctor and Charlie Daniels
How Rex Did His Best
A Song of School
Brownie and Bright Eyes
I Didn't Think
Elsie's First Skates
A Kind Girl
Our Country
The Little Leaf
The Book of Nature
The Great Flood
Be Grateful
Why the Chimes Rang
Christmas Bells
Betty's Garden Party
The Hard Lesson
Going to School
Pictures of School Children
Stories about Jefferson
A Song for Flag Day
How Benny West Learned To Be a Painter
The Stars
A Boy King
Christmas Carol
Miss Kate's Mottoes
An Emperor in School
The Wrong Way To Borrow
Which Is It?
A Little Hero
Ben Makes a Flag
The Two Friends
A Brave Girl
The Voice of Spring
The Good Shepherd
We Plough the Fields
The Two Fathers
A Sunday Hymn
A Boy Who Saved a Soldier
The Story of Richard Whittington
The Fun of Not Going to School
Only One Mother
Who Owns the City?
Little Gustava
The Story of the Flag
A Garden in the Heart
The Christmas Story
A Child's Evening Prayer

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