Want to create a curriculum perfectly suited to your child?

Watch the video below to find out how!

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A handful of families have been testing Gateway to the Classics since last summer. Here is what one of them reported recently:

"As a long term homeschooling mother one skill I have found necessary, but time consuming, is having to adapt curriculum or create my own curriculum to meet my children's needs. While flexibility is one of the privileges of homeschooling, it also can create a lot of work! Years ago I stumbled across the Baldwin Project and Yesterday's Classics. I was instantly drawn to the quality of the materials, the depth of the writing, and the abundance of books. I ordered many of the books, tried to create my own curriculum, but found it too time consuming to maintain year after year. Imagine my excitement when I found out about Gateway to the Classics! It is hard to know where to begin to describe the multitude of benefits, but I will try to list a few we have discovered in the last several months:

  • For the novice home schooling family there are already prepared schedules created. As you get more familiar with Gateway, you can adapt, but until that time you have a solid curriculum of history, literature, science, nature study, etc. to get you started instantly.
  • For the family of children with a wide range of abilities, ages, interests, and learning styles, you can custom create a curriculum and daily schedule of readings for each child.
  • For the children who are avid readers, simply put together a library from the numerous books available and let them go!
  • For the parent who wants to simply supplement an already existing curriculum at home, you can create a plan geared toward a specific subject.
  • For the parent who needs to keep records to meet their state's requirements, you can print plans to keep.
  • For the independent learner, a plan can be linked to a calendar, printed out and checked off, so the parent can easily oversee their children's work.
  • For the family with limited space or limited budget, Gateway offers a wealth of materials for a reasonable price.
  • For the family who has children who like to have a book in hand, Yesterday's Classics has many of the books available in print to go along with your plan.
  • For the family who travels or is on the go, Gateway is accessible to any computer. Your kids can keep up during unexpected travel, vacations, etc.

There is so much to explore on the Gateway to the Classics website. But don't feel like you have to learn everything before you can start. There is much that can be done simply to get you started. Then continue to search through Gateway to discover new treasures!"

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