Gateway to the Classics: Indian Boyhood by Charles A. Eastman
Indian Boyhood by  Charles A. Eastman

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Earliest Recollections
     Hakada, "The Pitiful Last"
     Early Hardships
     My Indian Grandmother
     An Indian Sugar Camp
     A Midsummer Feast
An Indian Boy's Training
My Plays and Playmates
     Games and Sports
     My Playmates
     The Boy Hunter
Hakadah's First Offering
Family Traditions
     A Visit to Smoky Day
     The Stone Boy
Evening in the Lodge
     Evening in the Lodge
     Adventures of My Uncle
The End of the Bear Dance
The Maiden's Feast
More Legends
     A Legend of Devil's Lake
     Mantishaw's Hunting
Indian Life and Adventure
     Life in the Woods
     A Winter Camp
     Wild Harvests
     A Meeting on the Plains
     An Adventurous Journey
The Laughing Philospher
First Impressions of Civilization

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