Gateway to the Classics: The Story of England by Samuel B. Harding
The Story of England by  Samuel B. Harding


The Barons' Wars against Henry III
Britain and the Britons
The British Empire under Edward VII.
Charles I. and Parliament
Charles II. and the Stuart Restoration (1660-1685)
The Civil War between King and Parliament
The Coming of the English
Commonwealth and Protectorate (1649-1660)
The Early Reign of Queen Victoria
Edward III. and the Hundred Years' War
England and Ireland
England and the French Revolution
England under Elizabeth
The English Accept Christianity
The First Hanoverian Kings
The First Two Edwards
George III. and the American Revolution
Gladstone and Disraeli
Henry II., the First Plantagenet King
Henry VII. and the Beginning of Modern Times
Henry VIII. and the Separation from Rome
Industrial and Social Changes
James I., the First Stuart King
James II. and the "Glorious Revolution"
King Alfred and the Danes
King John and the Great Charter
The Lancastrian Kings, & Close of the Hundred Years' W
The Normans Conquer England
A Period of Reform (1815-1837)
Queen Anne, the Last of the Stuarts
The Reformation Established (1547-1559)
The Reign of William and Mary
Richard II., the Last Plantagenet King
Richard the Lion-Hearted and the Crusades
The Rise of Parliament
The Romans in Britain
The Rule of the Normans
The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)
Winning the British Empire

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