First Grade Read Aloud Banquet

Songs for July

Over the Hills and Far Away


Buy a Broom

Lucy Locket

Five Eyes

In Hans' old Mill his three black cats

Watch the bins for the thieving rats.

Whisker and claw, they crouch in the night,

Their five eyes smouldering green and bright:

Squeaks from the flour sacks, squeaks from where

The cold wind stirs on the empty stair,

Squeaking and scampering, everywhere.

Then down they pounce, now in, now out,

At whisking tail, and sniffing snout;

While lean old Hans he snores away

Till peep of light at break of day;

Then up he climbs to his creaking mill,

Out come his cats all grey with meal—

Jekkel, and Jessup, and one-eyed Jill.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 23 The Barbary Dragon from The Story of Doctor Dolittle by Hugh Lofting Daniel Boone's Daughter and Her Friends from Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans by Edward Eggleston Beans from Seed-Babies by Margaret Warner Morley Fundevogel from Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Around the Fire by Lisa M. Ripperton Some More about Greece from On the Shores of the Great Sea by M. B. Synge The Tale of the Leprechaun from The Irish Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins A Lost Brother Found from Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
Rosy Posy by Laura E. Richards
Missing by A. A. Milne
A Pretty Game, Anonymous
The Flowers by Robert Louis Stevenson I Love Little Pussy by Jane Taylor Good Night! by Victor Hugo The Days Are Clear by Christina Georgina Rossetti
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The Aesop for Children  by Milo Winter

The Fox and the Crow

One bright morning as the Fox was following his sharp nose through the wood in search of a bite to eat, he saw a Crow on the limb of a tree overhead. This was by no means the first Crow the Fox had ever seen. What caught his attention this time and made him stop for a second look, was that the lucky Crow held a bit of cheese in her beak.

"No need to search any farther," thought sly Master Fox. "Here is a dainty bite for my breakfast."

Up he trotted to the foot of the tree in which the Crow was sitting, and looking up admiringly, he cried, "Good-morning, beautiful creature!"


The Crow, her head cocked on one side, watched the Fox suspiciously. But she kept her beak tightly closed on the cheese and did not return his greeting.

"What a charming creature she is!" said the Fox. "How her feathers shine! What a beautiful form and what splendid wings! Such a wonderful Bird should have a very lovely voice, since everything else about her is so perfect. Could she sing just one song, I know I should hail her Queen of Birds."

Listening to these flattering words, the Crow forgot all her suspicion, and also her breakfast. She wanted very much to be called Queen of Birds.

So she opened her beak wide to utter her loudest caw, and down fell the cheese straight into the Fox's open mouth.

"Thank you," said Master Fox sweetly, as he walked off. "Though it is cracked, you have a voice sure enough. But where are your wits?"

The flatterer lives at the expense of those who will listen to him.