Gateway to the Classics: Fables from Afar by Catherine T. Bryce
Fables from Afar by  Catherine T. Bryce


The Ant and the Glowworm
The Bee and the Beetle
The Bees
The Bow
The Camel
The Cat and the Hen
The Cobbler's Song
The Cock and the Diamond
The Crows and the Windmill
The Dewdrop
The Donkey, the Cock and the Lion
A Dumb Witness
The Eagle and the Crow
The Elephant
The Elephant and the Ape
The Elephant and the Rats
The Elves and the Envious Man
The Farmer and the Humming Bird
The Fowls and the Bees
The Fox and the Goose
The Fox, the Raven, and the Dove—Part I
The Fox, the Raven, and the Dove—Part II
The Fox, the Raven, and the Dove—Part III
The Glowworm and the Diamond
The Hedge and the Vineyard
The Horse and the Stag
The Lion and the Gnat
Little Lights
The Little Mouse's Mistake
The Man and the Rain
The Man and the Satyr
The Mice and the Trap
The Mimic and the Countryman
The Monkey and the Camel
The Monkeys and the Moon
The Nightingale and the Peacock
The Oak and the Vine
The Old Woman and the Crowbar
The Pansy
The Parrot
The Prince and the Rat
The Rabbits and the Dogs
The Rain Cloud
The Raven
The Raven and the Dove
The Rich Man's Guest
The Snake and the Hedgehog
The Squirrel and the Leopard
The Sun and the Little Plant
The Swallow and the Other Birds
The Travelers and the Bear
The Two Lizards
The Two Monkeys
The Wallflower and the Thyme
What Was It?
The Wild Boar and the Fox
The Wise Snake

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