Stories from English History, Book I by  Alfred J. Church


The Battle of Bannockburn
The Battle of Crecy
Boadicea (continued)
Caius Valerius and His Grandfather
The First Coming of Julius Caesar
The Great Battle of Poitiers
Harold the Earl
Harold the King
Harold the King (continued)
How Calais Was Taken
How England Became Christian
How England Became Christian (continued)
How King Athelstan Fought at Brunanburgh
How King Edward III Won the Battle of Sluys
King Alfred
King Caractacus
King Richard's Crusade
King Richard's Crusade (continued)
The King of France Goes Home
Magna Charta
The Red King
The Second Coming of Julius Caesar
The Story of King Arthur
The Story of King Canute
The Story of Prince Edward
The Story of Vortigern
Thomas Becket, the Archbishop
Thomas Becket, the Chancellor
William, Duke of Normandy
William, King of England

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