Good Stories for Great Holidays by  Frances Jenkins Olcott


Babes in the Woods
Baucis and Philemon
The Benevolent Goblin
Betsy Ross and the Flag
Bill Brown's Test
The Boston Tea-Party
The Boy Who Became a Robin
A Brave Girl
Burg Hill's on Fire
The Busy Blue Jay
The Cañon Flowers
The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
The Champion Stone-Cutter
A Child's Dream of a Star
The Choice of Hercules
The Christmas Cuckoo
The Christmas Fairy of Strasburg
The Christmas Rose
The Christmas Thorn of Glastonbury
Clytie, the Heliotrope
The Colonel of the Zouaves
Columbus and the Egg
Columbus at La Rabida
Cornelia's Jewels
The Courage of His Convictions
Cupid and Psyche
The Declaration of Independence
The Dove Who Spoke the Truth
The Dryad of the Old Oak
The Ears of Wheat
Echo and Narcissus
The Elves
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Fairy Tulips
The Fairy's New Year Gift
The First Harvest-Home in Plymouth
The First Landing of Columbus in the New World
A Flag Incident
General Scott and the Stars and Stripes
George Pickett's Friend
A Girl's Valentine Charm
The Greedy Geese
A Gunpowder Story
Hansel and Grethel
He Rescues the Birds
The Hillman and the Housewife
His Springfield Farewell Address
Hofus the Stone-Cutter
The Horn of Plenty
How Indian Corn Came into the World
The King of the Birds
The King of the Cats
The Lark and Its Young Ones
A Lesson of Faith
Lincoln and the Little Girl
Lincoln the Lawyer
The Little Drummer-Boy
The Little Match Girl
Little Piccola
The Little Tree That Longed for Other Leaves
The Loveliest Rose in the World
The Magpie's Nest
The Mail-Coach Passengers
The Master of the Harvest
The Metal King
The Mother Murre
Mr. Lincoln and the Bible
Mr. Pepys His Valentine
The Mutiny
The Nail
The Nutcracker Dwarf
The Old Witch
The Old Woman Who Became a Woodpecker
The Phantom Knight of the Vandal Camp
The Pine Tree
The Pride of the Regiment
A Prisoner's Valentine
The Proud Oak Tree
The Pumpkin Pirates
The Quails
Queen Margaret and the Robbers
The Revenge of Coriolanus
Saint Christopher
Saint Cuthbert's Eagle
Saint Valentine
The Signing of the Declaration of Independence
The Smithy
The Snowdrop
A Solomon Come to Judgment
The Speaking Statue
The Spirit of the Corn
The Spring Beauty
The Star-Spangled Banner
The Strange Visitor
The Stranger Child
A Stranger at Five-Points
The Stream That Ran Away
The Three Kings of Cologne
The Three Little Butterfly Brothers
Three Old Tales
The Three Purses
The Thunder Oak
The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
Training for the Presidency
The Twelve Months
Two Hero-Stories of the Civil War
The Unfruitful Tree
Washington and the Cowards
Washington at Yorktown
Washington the Athlete
Washington's Modesty
The Water-Drop
Why Lincoln Was Called "Honest Abe"
Why the Aspen Quivers
Why the Evergeen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves
The Widow and Her Three Sons
The Wonder Tree
The Wooden Shoes of Little Wolff
Young George and the Colt
The Young Sentinel

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