The Fairy Ring by  Kate Douglas Wiggin & Nora Archibald Smith


"Lars, My Lad!"
The Bear and Skrattel
The Bee, the Harp, the Mouse and the Bum-Clock
The Bird-Cage Maker
The Brahman, the Tiger, and the Six Judges
Brier Rose
The Clever Prince
The Doll in the Grass
Drak, the Fairy
Drakesbill and His Friends
East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon
The Fair One with Golden Locks
Faithful John, the King's Servant
The Frog Prince
The Golden Bird
The Golden Crab
The Golden Lantern, Golden Goat, and Golden Cloak
The Goose Girl
The Grateful Cobra
History of Jack the Giant-Killer
The History of Tom Thumb
The House in the Wood
The Iron Stove
The Iron Wolf
The Little Brother and Sister
The Little Good Mouse
The Long Leather Bag
The Magic Egg
The Magic Ring
The Many-Furred Creature
Master Tobacco
Mother Roundabout's Daughter
Muchie Lal
Munachar and Manachar
The Old Griffin
Prince Cherry
Prince Desire and Princess Mignonetta
The Princess on the Glass Hill
The Queen Bee
The Ram and the Pig Who Went into the Woods
The Road to Fortune
Snow-white and Rose-red
The Sparrow and the Bush
Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle
The Story of Blanche and Vermilion
The Story of Coquerico
The Table, the Ass, and the Stick
The Three Feathers
Tit for Tat
The Troll's Hammer
The Twelve Months
Twigmuntus, Cowbelliantus, Perchnosius
The Valiant Chatteemaker
The White Cat
The Widow's Daughter
The Wild Swans
The Yellow Dwarf

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