The Fairy Book by  Dinah Maria Mulock


Adventures of John Dietrich
Beauty and the Beast
The Blue Bird
The Bremen Town Musicians
Brother and Sister
The Butterfly
Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper
Clever Alice
The Fair One with Golden Locks
The Frog-Prince
Graciosa and Percinet
The Hind of the Forest
House Island
The Invisible Prince
The Iron Stove
Jack and the Bean-Stalk
Jack the Giant-Killer
The Juniper-Tree
Little One Eye, Little Two Eyes, Little Three Eyes
Little Red-Riding-Hood
Little Snowdrop
Prince Cherry
The Prince with the Nose
Puss in Boots
Riquet with the Tuft
The Six Swans
The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood
Snow-white and Rose-red
Tom Thumb
The White Cat
The Wolf and the Seven Young Goslings
The Woodcutter's Daughter
The Yellow Dwarf

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