Boy's Book of Indian Warriors by  Edwin L. Sabin


The Bird-Woman Guide
Black-hawk the Sac Patriot
The Blackfeet Defy the Crows
The Bloody Belt of Pontiac
Brigadier General Tecumseh
Chief Joseph Goes to War
Cornstalk Leads the Warriors
The Ghost Dancers and the Red Soldiers
How an Indian Girl Saved Fort Detroit
King Philip and the Wampanoug
The Lance of Mahtotohpa
Little Turtle of the Miamis
Logan the Great Mingo
Opechancanough, Sachem of the Pamunkeys
Piskaret brought Peace to the Forests
Piskaret the Adirondack Champion
Red Cloud Stands in the Way
The Red Sticks at Horseshoe Bend
A Search for the Book of Heaven
Sitting Bull the War Maker
The Squaw Sachem of Pocasset
Standing Bear Seeks a Home
The Strong Medicine of Konate
A Traveler to Washington
Turtle Fears the Big Wind
The Voice from the Open Door

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