Stories from the Greek Tragedians by  Alfred J. Church

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Stories from the Greek Tragedians
by Alfred J. Church
Thirteen strong, interesting tales from Greek tragedy, admirably retold by Alfred J. Church and retaining remarkably well the spirit of the originals. Includes the stories of Alcestis, Medea, Antigone, Philoctetes, Agamemnon, Iphigenia, Electra, and Orestes among others.  Ages 11-14
201 pages $11.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

The Story of the Love of Alcestis
The Story of the Vengeance of Medea
The Story of the Death of Hercules
The Story of the Seven Chiefs against Thebes
The Story of Antigone
The Story of Iphigenia in Aulis
The Story of Philoctetes, or The Bow of Hercules
The Story of the Death of Agamemnon
The Story of Electra, or The Return of Orestes
The Story of the Furies, or The Loosing of Orestes
The Story of Iphigenia among the Taurians
The Story of the Persians, or The Battle of Salami
The Story of Ion

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