A Child's Own Book of Verse, Book One by  Ada M. Skinner and Frances Gillespy Wickes

Bimble, Bamble, Bumble

There was an old woman who rode on a broom,

With a high gee ho, gee humble,

And she took her old cat along for a groom,

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

They went along and they came to the sky,

With a high gee ho, gee humble,

But the ride so long made them very hungry,

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

Said Tom, "I can find not a mouse to eat,"

With a high gee ho, gee humble;

"So let us go back again, I entreat,"

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

The old woman would not go back so soon,

With a high gee ho, gee humble,

She wanted to visit the man in the moon,

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

Said Tom, "I will go alone to the house,"

With a high gee ho, gee humble,

"For there I can catch a rat or a mouse,"

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.

"But," said the old woman, "how will you go?"

With a high gee ho, gee humble;

Said Tom, "I'll run down this pretty rainbow,"

With a bimble, bamble, bumble.


And she took her old cat along for a groom

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