A Child's Own Book of Verse, Book One by  Ada M. Skinner and Frances Gillespy Wickes

When the Sleepy Man Comes

When the sleepy man comes with the dust on his eyes,

(Oh, weary, my Dearie, so weary!)

He shuts up the earth, and he opens the skies.

(So hush-a-by, weary, my Dearie!)

He smiles through his fingers, and shuts up the sun;

(Oh, weary, my Dearie, so weary!)

The stars that he loves he lets out one by one.

(So hush-a-by, weary, my Dearie!)

He comes from the castle of Drowsy-boy Town;

(Oh, weary, my Dearie, so weary!)

At the touch of his hand tired eyelids fall down.

(So hush-a-by, weary, my Dearie!)

— Charles D. G. Roberts

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