A Child's Own Book of Verse, Book One by  Ada M. Skinner and Frances Gillespy Wickes

Spring's Waking

A snowdrop lay in the sweet, dark ground.

"Come out," said the Sun, "come out!"

But she lay quite still and she heard no sound.

"Asleep," said the Sun, "no doubt!"

The snowdrop heard, for she raised her head.

"Look spry," said the Sun, "look spry!"

"It's warm," said the snowdrop, "here in bed."

"O fie!" said the sun, "O fie!"

"You call me too soon, Mister Sun, you do."

"No, no," said the Sun, "oh, no!"

"There's something above and I can't see through."

"It 's snow," said the Sun, "just snow."

"But I say, Mister Sun, are the robins here?"

"May be," said the Sun, "may be."

"There wasn't a bird when you called last year."

"Come out," said the Sun, "and see."

The snowdrop sighed, for she liked her nap,

And there wasn't a bird in sight;

But she popped out of bed in her white nightcap.

"That's right," said the Sun, "that's right!"

And soon as that small nightcap was seen

A robin began to sing

The air grew warm and the grass turned green.

" 'Tis spring," laughed the Sun, " 'tis spring!"

— Isabel Eccelstone Mackay

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