Gateway to the Classics for Lifelong Learners


By Title   (C)

1169 Stories

  A     B     C     D – E     F – G     H – I     J – K – L     M – N     O – P – Q     R – S     T – U – V     W – X – Y – Z  

Story Source
Cæsar and the Triumvirates The Story of the Roman People by Eva March Tappan
Cæsar's Conquests The Story of the Romans by Helene A. Guerber
The Cañon Flowers Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
The Cabbage Plant Plant Life in Field and Garden by Arabella B. Buckley
The Cabinet of Minerals The Seasons: Autumn by Jane Marcet
Cabot Sails to Newfoundland A Book of Discovery by M. B. Synge
The Caciques of Darien Vasco Nunez de Balboa by Frederick A. Ober
The Caddis-worms and the Caddis-flies Handbook of Nature Study: Insects by Anna B. Comstock
Cadiz The Story of Sir Francis Drake by Mrs. Oliver Elton
Cadmus Romulus by Jacob Abbott
Cadmus and Europa Old Greek Stories by James Baldwin
Cadmus and the Dragon's Teeth Famous Men of Greece by John H. Haaren
Cadmus's Letters Romulus by Jacob Abbott
Caesar Roman Life in the Days of Cicero by Alfred J. Church
Caesar Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Caesar and His Fortune The Children's Plutarch: Tales of the Romans by F. J. Gould
Caesar and Pompey Historical Tales: 11—Roman by Charles Morris
Caesar and the Pilot The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Caesar and the Pirates Historical Tales: 11—Roman by Charles Morris
Caesar Crosses the Rubicon The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Caesar Gives Up His Triumph The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Caesar Imperator Julius Caesar by Jacob Abbott
Caesar in Egypt Julius Caesar by Jacob Abbott
Caesar in Gaul The Story of Old France by Helene A. Guerber
Caesar Invades Britain The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Caesar Is Loaded with Honours The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Caesar Praises His Tenth Legion The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Caesar Wins a Great Victory over the Nervii The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Caesar's Early Years Julius Caesar by Jacob Abbott
Caesar's Friend and Enemy (Brutus) The Children's Plutarch: Tales of the Romans by F. J. Gould
Cain and Abel AO Year 2 Old Testament Readings by Bible
Cairo and the Plague Eothen: Traces of Travel in the East by A. W. Kinglake
Cairo to Suez Eothen: Traces of Travel in the East by A. W. Kinglake
Caius (Caligula) Becomes Emperor of Rome Our Young Folks' Josephus by William Shepard
Caius Gracchus Plutarch's Lives by W. H. Weston
Caius Gracchus Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Caius Gracchus The Story of the Romans by Helene A. Guerber
Caius Marcius and His Mother Stories from the History of Rome by Emily Beesly
Caius Marcius Coriolanus Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Caius Marius Plutarch's Lives by W. H. Weston
Caius Marius Soldiers and Sailors by Charles F. Horne
Caius Marius Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Calcite, Marble, and Limestone Handbook of Nature Study: Earth and Sky by Anna B. Comstock
The Caldron The Sampo by James Baldwin
The Calf Story The Sandman: More Farm Stories by Willliam J. Hopkins
Calhoun at Home American History Stories, Volume III by Mara L. Pratt
Calico The Secret of Everyday Things by Jean Henri Fabre
The Calico's Story For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The California Poppy Handbook of Nature Study: Cultivated-Plants by Anna B. Comstock
The Caliph and the Gardener Fifty Famous People by James Baldwin
The Caliph and the Poet Fifty Famous People by James Baldwin
Caliph Stork Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Out of the Cave by Lisa M. Ripperton
The Call of Abraham AO Year 2 Old Testament Readings by Bible
The Call of Moses Moses and the Exodus by J. Paterson Smyth
The Call of the Primitive Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Calvin, 1509-1564 Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages by George Hodges
The Calydonian Hunt Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew by Josephine Preston Peabody
Cambridge and Huntingdon The Counties of England by Charlotte Mason
Cambyses Darius the Great by Jacob Abbott
Cambyses Maketh War upon the Nations Round About, Is Stricken with Madness, and So Dieth Stories of the East from Herodotus by Alfred J. Church
The Camel Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Camel and His Master Fairy Stories and Fables by James Baldwin
The Camel and the Pig Indian Fables by P. V. Ramaswami Raju
The Camel Driver and the Adder The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai by Maude Barrows Dutton
A Camel Driver Becomes a Prophet Old Time Tales by Lawton B. Evans
Camillus Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Camillus Famous Men of Rome by John H. Haaren
Camillus at the Siege of Veii Historical Tales: 11—Roman by Charles Morris
Camillus Captures the City of Veii The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Camillus Sets the Camp of the Volscians on Fire The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
The Camp of the Ghosts Blackfeet Indian Stories by George Bird Grinnell
Campaign in Asia Minor Alexander the Great by Jacob Abbott
The Campaign in Cyprus Richard I by Jacob Abbott
The Campaign of 1915 The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
The Campaign of 1916 The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
The Campaign of 1917 The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
The Campaign on Paris The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
Campaigning Lucius, Adventures of a Roman Boy by Alfred J. Church
Campaigning (continued) Lucius, Adventures of a Roman Boy by Alfred J. Church
Can the Little Brown Baby Do Anything Each and All: The Seven Sisters Prove Their Sisterhood by Jane Andrews
Canada as a Royal Province Peeps at History: Canada by Beatrice Home
Canadian Federation The Reign of Queen Victoria by M. B. Synge
The Canary and the Goldfinch Handbook of Nature Study: Birds by Anna B. Comstock
The Candles For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Candles or Rushlights Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Cannibals, Giants, and Pearls Amerigo Vespucci by Frederick A. Ober
Canoes of Bark Stephen of Philadelphia by James Otis
The Canon's Yeoman's Tale The Chaucer Story Book by Eva March Tappan
Canute and the Waves Our Island Story by H. E. Marshall
Canute the Great Famous Men of the Middle Ages by John H. Haaren
Canute the Great, King of Six Nations Historical Tales: 9--Scandinavian by Charles Morris
Cap o' Rushes English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
The Cap That Mother Made For the Story Teller by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The Cap That Mother Made Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—In the Meadow by Lisa M. Ripperton
A Cape Pilgrimage-The Story of Sheik Joseph South Africa by Ian D. Colvin
Capella and the Heavenly Twins Handbook of Nature Study: Earth and Sky by Anna B. Comstock
Caporushes English Fairy Tales by Flora Annie Steel
Captain Church in Philip's War A First Book in American History by Edward Eggleston
Captain Clark's Burning Glass Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans by Edward Eggleston
Captain Cook's Story The Struggle for Sea Power by M. B. Synge
Captain Gordon and the Raccoon Roughs Historical Tales: 2--American Volume II by Charles Morris
Captain Jack, Chief of the Modoc Indians Famous Indian Chiefs I Have Known by Oliver Otis Howard
Captain Jim Anne's House of Dreams by L. M. Montgomery
Captain Jim Crosses the Bar Anne's House of Dreams by L. M. Montgomery
Captain John Smith The Awakening of Europe by M. B. Synge
Captain John Smith A First Book in American History by Edward Eggleston
Captain John Smith Comes to London Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Kendall's Plot Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Molly Pitcher America First by Lawton B. Evans
Captain Myles Standish A First Book in American History by Edward Eggleston
Captain Newport's Instructions Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Newport's Return Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Newport's Return Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Robert E. Lee and the Lava-beds Historical Tales: 2--American Volume II by Charles Morris
Captain Smith a Member of the Council Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith a Prisoner Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith Accused Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith Forced To Remain Aboard Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith Gains Authority Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith Proven Innocent Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith Speaks to Me Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith's Departure Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith's Expedition and Return Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Captain Smith's Speech Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
The Captain's Papers Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Captain's Servant, the Widow's Son, and the Woman Who Was a Sinner Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
The Captain, the Soldier, and the Horses Indian Fables by P. V. Ramaswami Raju
The Captive After Long Years and Other Stories by Agnes M. Dunne
The Captives of the Corsairs Barbary Rovers by John Finnemore
The Captives of the Corsairs (continued) Barbary Rovers by John Finnemore
Captivity Lucius, Adventures of a Roman Boy by Alfred J. Church
The Captivity Charles I by Jacob Abbott
The Captivity of Captain Golownin Historical Tales: 12—Japanese and Chinese by Charles Morris
The Captivity of Richard Coeur de Lion Historical Tales: 4—English by Charles Morris
The Captivity of the Maid The Story of Joan of Arc by Andrew Lang
The Capture and Surrender of Mons The Netherlands by Mary Macgregor
The Capture of Bagdad The World at War by M. B. Synge
The Capture of Constantinople The Story of the Greatest Nations: Turkey by Charles F. Horne
Capture of Cotubanama Juan Ponce de Leon by Frederick A. Ober
The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
The Capture of Jerusalem The World at War by M. B. Synge
The Capture of Josephus Our Young Folks' Josephus by William Shepard
The Capture of Jugurtha The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
The Capture of Jugurtha's Treasure Towns The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
The Capture of New Carthage The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Capture of New Orleans American History Stories, Volume IV by Mara L. Pratt
The Capture of Puerto Bello For Prey and Spoils by Frederick A. Ober
The Capture of St. Mihiel The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
The Capture of Tarzan Jungle Tales of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Capture of Ticonderoga American History Stories, Volume II by Mara L. Pratt
Capture of Two Baby Galagos My Apingi Kingdom by Paul du Chaillu
Captured by Corsairs For Prey and Spoils by Frederick A. Ober
Capturing the Hessians America First by Lawton B. Evans
Caractacus Before Claudius Pictures from Roman Life and Story by Alfred J. Church
A Caravan My Apingi Kingdom by Paul du Chaillu
The Caravan Lucius, Adventures of a Roman Boy by Alfred J. Church
The Cardinal Grosbeak Handbook of Nature Study: Birds by Anna B. Comstock
Cardinal Richelieu Famous Men of Modern Times by John H. Haaren
Cardinal Wolsey Famous Men of Modern Times by John H. Haaren
Cardinal Wolsey Going in Procession The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
The Carduchians The Retreat of the Ten Thousand by Frances Younghusband
The Career of a Desert Chief Historical Tales: 12—Japanese and Chinese by Charles Morris
The Career of a Knight-Errant Historical Tales:6— French by Charles Morris
The Career of Bishop Hatto Historical Tales: 5—German by Charles Morris
The Career of Grimoald Historical Tales: 5—German by Charles Morris
The Career of Porfirio Diaz The Story of Mexico by Charles Morris
The Careless Caddis Worm Among the Pond People by Clara Dillingham Pierson
Carl Does Penance Rainbow Valley by L. M. Montgomery
Carl Is—Not—Whipped Rainbow Valley by L. M. Montgomery
Carlyle—The Sage of Chelsea English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. Marshall
Carna The Count on the Saxon Shore by Alfred J. Church
Carol's Good Will Kristy's Christmas Surprise by Olive Thorne Miller
The Carpenter and the Ape The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai by Maude Barrows Dutton
Carpenter Peter of Zaandam Historical Tales: 8--Russian by Charles Morris
The Carpenter's Help Little Folks' Land by Madge A. Bigham
The Carpenter's House When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels by George Hodges
The Carpenters Will o' the Wasps by Margaret Warner Morley
The Carrying of the Argo The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived before Achilles by Padraic Colum
The Carrying Trade The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children by Jane Andrews
Carthage The Aeneid for Boys and Girls by Alfred J. Church
Carthage Our Little Carthaginian Cousin of Long Ago by Clara Vostrovsky Winlow
The Carthaginians Defend Their City The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
The Carthaginians in West Africa The Land of the Golden Trade by John Lang
Casabianca Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin
The Cask of Amontillado Short Story Collection by Lisa M. Ripperton
The Casket The Crown of Pine by Alfred J. Church
Cassander Pyrrhus by Jacob Abbott
Cassiopeia's Chair, Cepheus, and the Dragon Handbook of Nature Study: Earth and Sky by Anna B. Comstock
The Castaways The Return of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Castile and Aragon A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
The Castle of Fortune Stories to Tell to Children by Sara Cone Bryant
The Castle of Noireat Our Little Norman Cousin of Long Ago by Evaleen Stein
A Castle on Brandywine The Bears of Blue River by Charles Major
The Castle under the Sea Why the Chimes Rang by Raymond Macdonald Alden
The Castle-Builders of the Reign of Stephen The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
The Cat Handbook of Nature Study: Mammals by Anna B. Comstock
Cat and Mouse in Partnership Grimm's Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Cat and the Birds The Aesop for Children by Milo Winter
The Cat and the Catbird Dooryard Stories by Clara Dillingham Pierson
The Cat and the Cock Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Cat and the Cradle Dutch Fairy Tales by William E. Griffis
The Cat and the Fox Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Cat and the Fox The Aesop for Children by Milo Winter
The Cat and the Fox The Golden Ladder Book by E. Hershey Sneath
The Cat and the Martins Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Cat and the Mice The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Cat and the Mouse Firelight Stories by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The Cat and the Mouse READING-LITERATURE: First Reader by Harriette Taylor Treadwell
The Cat and the Mouse English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
The Cat and the Mouse For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The Cat and the Mouse Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—In the Meadow by Lisa M. Ripperton
The Cat and the Mouse A Child's Book of Stories by Penrhyn W. Coussens
The Cat and the Old Rat The Aesop for Children by Milo Winter
The Cat and the Parrot How To Tell Stories to Children and Some Stories To Tell by Sara Cone Bryant
The Cat on the Dovrefell Popular Tales from the Norse by George Webbe Dasent
The Cat That Walked by Himself Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling
The Cat Who Became Head-Forester Old Peter's Russian Tales by Arthur Ransome
The Cat's Charm Kristy's Christmas Surprise by Olive Thorne Miller
The Cat, the Cock, and the Young Mouse The Aesop for Children by Milo Winter
The Cat, the Monkey, and the Chestnuts The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Cat, the Monkey, and the Chestnuts The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Cat, the Weasel, and the Young Rabbit The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Cat, the Weasel, and the Young Rabbit The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Cat-tail Handbook of Nature Study: Wild-flowers by Anna B. Comstock
Catania The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre
Catarina of Venice, the Girl of the Grand Canal Historic Girls by E. S. Brooks
The Catastrophe Jack and Jill by Louisa May Alcott
The Catbird Handbook of Nature Study: Birds by Anna B. Comstock
The Cathedral At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald
Cato Dies Rather Than Yield to Caesar The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Cato the Censor Famous Men of Rome by John H. Haaren
Cato the Stern The Children's Plutarch: Tales of the Romans by F. J. Gould
Cato the Younger Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Cato, Brutus, and Porcia Roman Life in the Days of Cicero by Alfred J. Church
Catskin English Fairy Tales by Flora Annie Steel
Cattle Handbook of Nature Study: Mammals by Anna B. Comstock
The Caudine Forks Historical Tales: 11—Roman by Charles Morris
The Caudine Forks Stories from the History of Rome by Emily Beesly
The Caudine Forks The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Caught in a Cobweb Buz by Maurice Noel
Caught in the Act The Children of the New Forest by Frederick Marryat
The Cauld Lad of Hilton English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
A Cause of War A Story of the Golden Age of Greek Heroes by James Baldwin
Causes of Present Dissensions Oom Paul's People by Howard C. Hillegas
The Causes of Spain's Decadence Historical Tales: 7—Spanish by Charles Morris
Causes of the Revolution American History Stories, Volume II by Mara L. Pratt
The Causes of the Russian Military Collapse The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
The Causes of the War The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
Causey-Building Rollo at Work by Jacob Abbott
Cavaliers and Roundheads The Children of the New Forest by Frederick Marryat
Cave Homes Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
The Cave in the Cliff For Prey and Spoils by Frederick A. Ober
The Cave of Covadonga Historical Tales: 7—Spanish by Charles Morris
Cawnpore and Lucknow The Story of Lord Roberts by Edmund F. Sellar
Caxamalca The Boy's Book of Battles by Eric Wood
Cecil John Rhodes Oom Paul's People by Howard C. Hillegas
Cecil Rhodes in Rhodesia The Reign of Queen Victoria by M. B. Synge
The Cecropia Handbook of Nature Study: Insects by Anna B. Comstock
Cedric in Trouble The Count on the Saxon Shore by Alfred J. Church
The Cells The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre
The Center of the World In My Youth by James Baldwin
The Centre of the Earth A Story of the Golden Age of Greek Heroes by James Baldwin
Centripetal Force Physics Lab in a Housewares Store by Bob Friedhoffer
A Century of Disgrace Helmet and Spear by Alfred J. Church
A Century of Revival Helmet and Spear by Alfred J. Church
The Century Plant's Wish Outdoor Secrets by Margaret P. Boyle
Ceremonial and Symbolic Worship The Soul of the Indian by Charles A. Eastman
Ch'geegee-lokh-sis Ways of Wood Folk by William J. Long
The Chalk-Carts Madam How and Lady Why by Charles Kingsley
The Challenge Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
A Champion Aerial Fighter Thrilling Deeds of British Airmen by Eric Wood
The Champion of Athens Gods and Heroes by Robert Edward Francillon
The Champion Stone-Cutter Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Champlain Builders of Our Country: Book I by Gertrude van Duyn Southworth
Champlain and the Iroquois Historical Tales: 1—American by Charles Morris
Champlain Discovers Lake Ontario A Book of Discovery by M. B. Synge
A Chance Encounter The Children of the New Forest by Frederick Marryat
"A Change Came o'er the Spirit of My Dream" My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass
A Change of Governors Ruth of Boston by James Otis
A Change of Scene Lucius, Adventures of a Roman Boy by Alfred J. Church
Changes in Europe Caused by the Discovery of the New World The Story of Europe by H. E. Marshall
Changes in the Palace The Little Lame Prince by Dinah Maria Mulock
The Changing Shore Holiday Shore by Edith M. Patch
The Chapter after the End This Way to Christmas by Ruth Sawyer
The Chapter before the Beginning This Way to Christmas by Ruth Sawyer
Chapter I The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter II The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter III The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter IV The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter IX The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
A Chapter of Accidents Anne of Avonlea by L. M. Montgomery
A Chapter of Fish Old Peter's Russian Tales by Arthur Ransome
A Chapter of Horrors My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass
A Chapter of Things To Do This Fall The Fall of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp
A Chapter of Things To Do This Spring The Spring of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp
A Chapter of Things To Do This Winter Winter by Dallas Lore Sharp
A Chapter of Things To Hear This Fall The Fall of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp
A Chapter of Things To Hear This Spring The Spring of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp
A Chapter of Things To Hear This Winter Winter by Dallas Lore Sharp
A Chapter of Things To See This Fall The Fall of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp
A Chapter of Things To See This Spring The Spring of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp
A Chapter of Things To See This Winter Winter by Dallas Lore Sharp
Chapter V The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter VI The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter VII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter VIII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter X The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XI The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XIII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XIV The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XIX The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XV The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XVI The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XVII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XVIII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XX The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XXI The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XXII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XXIII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XXIV The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XXV The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XXVI The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XXVII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Chapter XXVIII The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott
Character and Reign Charles II by Jacob Abbott
Character of Alfred's Reign Alfred the Great by Jacob Abbott
The Character of Modern Warfare The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
Characteristic Scenes Peeps at Many Lands: Spain by Edith A. Browne
The Charcoal Burner and the Fuller Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Charcoal Man and the King Fifty Famous People by James Baldwin
The Charge Made by Hans Braun Peter of New Amsterdam by James Otis
The Charge of the Light Brigade Historical Tales: 8--Russian by Charles Morris
Charged by a Rogue Elephant Lost in the Jungle by Paul du Chaillu
The Chariots of Fire around Elisha Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
A Charitable Impulse Rainbow Valley by L. M. Montgomery
Charity and Patience In My Youth by James Baldwin
Charlemagne The Story of the Middle Ages by Samuel B. Harding
Charlemagne Famous Men of the Middle Ages by John H. Haaren
Charlemagne Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan
Charlemagne The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Charlemagne Barbarian and Noble by Marion Florence Lansing
Charlemagne and Christianity Peeps at History: Germany by John Finnemore
Charlemagne and the Avars Historical Tales:6— French by Charles Morris
Charlemagne and the Magic Ring Old Time Tales by Lawton B. Evans
Charlemagne and the Robber Old Time Tales by Lawton B. Evans
Charlemagne and Wittekind Patriots and Tyrants by Marion Florence Lansing
Charlemagne Is Crowned Emperor of the Romans European Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
Charlemagne's Manner of Life The Story of Old France by Helene A. Guerber
Charlemagne's Wars The Story of Old France by Helene A. Guerber
Charlemagne, 742-814 Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages by George Hodges
Charlemagne, Emperor The Story of Old France by Helene A. Guerber
Charlemagne, Part 1 A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charlemagne, Part 2 A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charlemagne, Part 3 A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charlemagne, Part 4 A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charles I and Philip II Spain: A History for Young Readers by Frederick A. Ober
Charles I. and Parliament The Story of England by Samuel B. Harding
Charles I.—How the Soldier Poet Helped the King Scotland's Story by H. E. Marshall
Charles I.—The King and the Covenant Scotland's Story by H. E. Marshall
Charles II—The Story of How London Was Burned Our Island Story by H. E. Marshall
Charles II. and the Stuart Restoration (1660-1685) The Story of England by Samuel B. Harding
Charles II.—How the King Came to His Own Again Scotland's Story by H. E. Marshall
Charles II.—The Church among the Hills Scotland's Story by H. E. Marshall
Charles IV and Bonaparte Spain: A History for Young Readers by Frederick A. Ober
Charles IV and Maria Louisa The Romance of Spanish History by John S. C. Abbott
Charles IV, the Step-Father of the Empire A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charles Linnaeus and the Story of the Flowers Children's Stories of the Great Scientists by Henrietta Christian Wright
Charles Lyell and the Story of Rocks Children's Stories of the Great Scientists by Henrietta Christian Wright
Charles Martel Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan
Charles Martel and Pepin Famous Men of the Middle Ages by John H. Haaren
Charles Martel Repels the Mohammedans at Tours European Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
Charles of Sweden, the Boy Conqueror Historic Boys by E. S. Brooks
Charles the Bold and the Swiss Historical Tales:6— French by Charles Morris
Charles the First A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
Charles the Second A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
Charles the Third A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
Charles V and his Son Philip The Romance of Spanish History by John S. C. Abbott
Charles V of Germany Famous Men of Modern Times by John H. Haaren
Charles V, Part 1 A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charles V, Part 2 A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charles V, Part 3 A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charles VII A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Charles X and the Invasion of Denmark Historical Tales: 9--Scandinavian by Charles Morris
Charles XII of Sweden The Awakening of Europe by M. B. Synge
Charles XII of Sweden Famous Men of Modern Times by John H. Haaren
Charles XII, the Firebrand of Sweden Historical Tales: 9--Scandinavian by Charles Morris
"Charlie Gordon" The Story of General Gordon by Jeanie Lang
Charlotte and the Ten Dwarfs Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
The Charm Queller The Book of Saints and Heroes by Mrs. Lang
The Charmed Ring Indian Folk and Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
The Charter Oak America First by Lawton B. Evans
The Chase The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre
The Chase of Robin Hood The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
Chateau-Thierry The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
Chatterer and Happy Jack Join The Burgess Animal Book for Children by Thornton Burgess
Chatterer the Red Squirrel Runs for His Life The Adventures of Chatterer the Squirrel by Thornton Burgess
Chatterer's Last Chance The Adventures of Chatterer the Squirrel by Thornton Burgess
Chaucer—"The Canterbury Tales" English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. Marshall
Chaucer—At the Tabard Inn English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. Marshall
Chaucer—Bread and Milk for Children English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. Marshall
The Cheerful Harvestmen Among the Meadow People by Clara Dillingham Pierson
A Cheerful Worker The Adventures of Bob White by Thornton W. Burgess
The Cheeses That Ran Away The Oak-Tree Fairy Book by Clifton Johnson
Cheshire The Counties of England by Charlotte Mason
The Chestnut Handbook of Nature Study: Trees by Anna B. Comstock
The Chestnut Kettle The Red Indian Fairy Book by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Chestnuts The Secret of Everyday Things by Jean Henri Fabre
Chevalier Bayard Famous Men of Modern Times by John H. Haaren
Chevalier Bayard Page, Esquire, and Knight by Marion Florence Lansing
Chevy Chase Legends Every Child Should Know by Hamilton Wright Mabie
The Chickadee Handbook of Nature Study: Birds by Anna B. Comstock
Chickadee Winter by Dallas Lore Sharp
Chickatabut Ruth of Boston by James Otis
Chicken Little For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Chicken Little Firelight Stories by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Chicken Little EVERYDAY CLASSICS: Primer by Franklin T. Baker
Chicken Little READING-LITERATURE: The Primer by Harriette Taylor Treadwell
The Chicken Story The Sandman: His Farm Stories by Willliam J. Hopkins
Chicken Ways Handbook of Nature Study: Birds by Anna B. Comstock
The Chicken Who Wouldn't Eat Gravel Among the Farmyard People by Clara Dillingham Pierson
Chief Egan of the Malheurs Famous Indian Chiefs I Have Known by Oliver Otis Howard
Chief Joseph Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains by Charles A. Eastman
Chief Joseph Goes to War Boy's Book of Indian Warriors by Edwin L. Sabin
Child Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
The Child Born at Bethlehem Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
The Child Elizabeth In the Days of Queen Elizabeth by Eva March Tappan
The Child Jesus in the Garden Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
A Child of Fortune Pictures from Roman Life and Story by Alfred J. Church
A Child of Long Ago God's Troubadour, The Story of St. Francis of Assisi by Sophie Jewett
The Child of the Thunder Fairy Tales of Old Japan by William E. Griffis
A Child's Dream of a Star Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
A Child's Evening Prayer The Way of the Green Pastures by E. Hershey Sneath
Child's Play The Golden Windows by Laura E. Richards
The Child-Mind; and How To Satisfy It How To Tell Stories to Children and Some Stories To Tell by Sara Cone Bryant
Childe Horn Legends Every Child Should Know by Hamilton Wright Mabie
Childe Rowland English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
Childe Rowland English Fairy Tales by Flora Annie Steel
Childhood Life of Gladstone by M. B. Synge
Childhood Four American Pioneers by Frances M. Perry
The Childhood and Youth of Peter Peter the Great by Jacob Abbott
The Childhood of a Princess Queen Elizabeth by Jacob Abbott
The Childhood of Joan of Arc The Story of Joan of Arc by Andrew Lang
The Childhood of Nero Nero by Jacob Abbott
The Childhood of Paris The Story of the Greeks by Helene A. Guerber
Childhood of Richard Richard II by Jacob Abbott
The Childhood of Richard Richard III by Jacob Abbott
Childish Days Through Great Britain and Ireland with Cromwell by H. E. Marshall
The Childless Woman Native Fairy Tales of South Africa by Ethel L. McPherson
Childless, and a Widow Margaret of Anjou by Jacob Abbott
The Children and the Dog The Golden Ladder Book by E. Hershey Sneath
The Children and the Moon Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
The Children Crusaders The Crusaders by Alfred J. Church
The Children in the Moon The Book of Nature Myths by Florence Holbrook
The Children in the Wood The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Children of Edward IV The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
The Children of Israel On the Shores of the Great Sea by M. B. Synge
The Children of Israel Murmur against Moses Our Young Folks' Josephus by William Shepard
Children of Kings A Child's Book of Warriors by William Canton
The Children of Loki The Children of Odin: A Book of Northern Myths by Padraic Colum
The Children of Loki The Heroes of Asgard by A. & E. Keary
The Children of Prometheus A Story of the Golden Age of Greek Heroes by James Baldwin
The Children of Spinalunga A Child's Book of Saints by William Canton
Children of the Legion The French Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins
The Children of the Wind and the Clan of Peace Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
The Children's Crusade European Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
The Children's Crusade The Story of the Crusades by E. M. Wilmot-Buxton
The Children's Crusade Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan
The Children's Hospital At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald
The Chimæra A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys by Nathaniel Hawthorne
China invaded by the Mongols China's Story by William E. Griffis
China Unified: The Great Wall China's Story by William E. Griffis
China's Experiment in Socialism China's Story by William E. Griffis
China's Long Sleep The Growth of the British Empire by M. B. Synge
China: A Republic China's Story by William E. Griffis
The Chinese at Home The Story of China by Robert Van Bergen
A Chinese City The Story of China by Robert Van Bergen
"Chinese Gordon" The Story of General Gordon by Jeanie Lang
The Chinese People The Story of China by Robert Van Bergen
The Chipmunk Squirrels and Other Fur-Bearers by John Burroughs
The Chipmunk Handbook of Nature Study: Mammals by Anna B. Comstock
The Chipping Sparrow Handbook of Nature Study: Birds by Anna B. Comstock
Chippy's Visit to the Kindergarten Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
Chippy, Sweetvoice, and Dotty The Burgess Bird Book for Children by Thornton Burgess
Chirp the First The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens
Chirp the Second The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens
Chirp the Third The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens
Chivalry Richard II by Jacob Abbott
Chivalry The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Chivalry and Crime The Romance of Spanish History by John S. C. Abbott
Chocolate The Secret of Everyday Things by Jean Henri Fabre
The Choice More Mother Stories by Maud Lindsay
The Choice of Hercules Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
The Choice of Hercules The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Choice of Hercules Gods and Heroes by Robert Edward Francillon
Cholula the Sacred Mexico by Margaret Duncan Kelly
Choosing a Place for the City Stephen of Philadelphia by James Otis
The Choosing of a King Patriots and Tyrants by Marion Florence Lansing
The Choosing of a Squire Stories of Don Quixote Written Anew for Children by James Baldwin
The Chosen Deer The Christmas Reindeer by Thornton W. Burgess
Choshiu Yashiki A Boy of Old Japan by Robert Van Bergen
Christ and the Children St. Mark by J. Paterson Smyth
Christ before Caiaphas When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels by George Hodges
Christ before Pilate When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels by George Hodges
The Christening The Little Lame Prince by Dinah Maria Mulock
A Christening and a Dinner Ruth of Boston by James Otis
A Christening Festival Peeps at Many Lands: Spain by Edith A. Browne
The Christening in the Village Old Peter's Russian Tales by Arthur Ransome
A Christian Household To the Lions by Alfred J. Church
The Christian Martyrs Peeps at History: Japan by John Finnemore
Christianity in Japan The Story of Japan by Robert Van Bergen
The Christians of Northern Spain A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
The Christians Persecuted The Story of the Romans by Helene A. Guerber
Christians to the Lions The Discovery of New Worlds by M. B. Synge
"The Christians to the Lions" To the Lions by Alfred J. Church
Christina of Sweden, the Girl of the Northern Fiords Historic Girls by E. S. Brooks
Christmas at Four Winds Anne's House of Dreams by L. M. Montgomery
The Christmas at Greccio God's Troubadour, The Story of St. Francis of Assisi by Sophie Jewett
The Christmas at Greccio: A Story of St. Francis Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
Christmas at the Hacienda The Mexican Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins
Christmas at the Hollow Tree Inn Little Folks' Christmas Stories and Plays by Ada Skinner
Christmas Bells The Way of the Green Pastures by E. Hershey Sneath
The Christmas Cake More Mother Stories by Maud Lindsay
The Christmas Candle Stories of the Pilgrims by Margaret B. Pumphrey
A Christmas Carol Ways of Wood Folk by William J. Long
Christmas Carol Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
Christmas Carol The Way of the Green Pastures by E. Hershey Sneath
Christmas Chimes Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
The Christmas Cuckoo Granny's Wonderful Chair by Frances Browne
The Christmas Cuckoo Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
A Christmas Day on the Plantation Historical Tales: 2--American Volume II by Charles Morris
Christmas Eve Again The Christmas Porringer by Evaleen Stein
The Christmas Fairy of Strasburg Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
The Christmas Fern Handbook of Nature Study: Flowerless-Plants by Anna B. Comstock
A Christmas Hymn Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
Christmas in the Alley Kristy's Christmas Surprise by Olive Thorne Miller
Christmas in the Woods The Lay of the Land by Dallas Lore Sharp
Christmas in the Woods Winter by Dallas Lore Sharp
The Christmas Invitation The Christmas Reindeer by Thornton W. Burgess
A Christmas Legend Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
Christmas on the Plantation America First by Lawton B. Evans
Christmas on the Prairie Kristy's Christmas Surprise by Olive Thorne Miller
The Christmas Rose Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
The Christmas Silence Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
The Christmas Song of Caedmon Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
The Christmas Stocking More Mother Stories by Maud Lindsay
The Christmas Story For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The Christmas Story The Way of the Green Pastures by E. Hershey Sneath
The Christmas Story The Christmas Reindeer by Thornton W. Burgess
The Christmas That Was Nearly Lost This Way to Christmas by Ruth Sawyer
The Christmas Thorn of Glastonbury Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Christmas Time Again for Louise Each and All: The Seven Sisters Prove Their Sisterhood by Jane Andrews
The Christmas Tree The Little Brown Bowl by Phila Butler Bowman
Christmas under the Snow Kristy's Christmas Surprise by Olive Thorne Miller
The Christmas Vision The Christmas Reindeer by Thornton W. Burgess
Christolphe and the Golden Fleece Boys of the Ages by Laura Woolsey Lord Scales
Christopher Columbus The Romance of Spanish History by John S. C. Abbott
Christopher Columbus Builders of Our Country: Book I by Gertrude van Duyn Southworth
Christopher Columbus The Discovery of New Worlds by M. B. Synge
Christopher Columbus Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan
Christopher Columbus American History Stories, Volume I by Mara L. Pratt
Christopher Columbus Stories of American Explorers by Wilbur Fisk Gordy
Christopher Columbus Famous Men of Modern Times by John H. Haaren
Christopher Columbus A Book of Discovery by M. B. Synge
Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of America American Leaders and Heroes by Wilbur Fisk Gordy
Chronological Order of the Saints Stories of the Saints by Grace Hall
Chronological Tables The Story of the Great War by Roland G. Usher
Chronology of Spain The Story of the Greatest Nations: Spain by Charles F. Horne
Chronology of the Turkish Empire The Story of the Greatest Nations: Turkey by Charles F. Horne
The Chrysanthemum Show Child Life in Japan by William E. Griffis
Chrysostom The Early Church, from Ignatius to Augustine by George Hodges
Chrysostom, 347-407 Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages by George Hodges
The Church and the People The French Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins
The Church of the First Days Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
Cicero Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Cicero Famous Men of Rome by John H. Haaren
Cicero Discovers the Catilinarian Conspiracy The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Cicero, the Great Roman Orator Old World Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
The Cid Heroes Every Child Should Know by Hamilton Wright Mabie
The Cid Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan
The Cid Famous Men of the Middle Ages by John H. Haaren
The Cid Avenges King Yahia The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
The Cid Campaedor A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
The Cid Captures Valencia European Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
The Cid Challenges the Infantes to Mortal Combat The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
The Cid Goes to Toledo for Justice The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
The Cid Is Banished The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
The Cid Is Reconciled with Don Alfonso The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
The Cid Wins His Name Old Time Tales by Lawton B. Evans
The Cid's Daughters Marry the Infantes of Carrion The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
The Cid's Family Arrives in Valencia The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
Cimon Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Cimon Famous Men of Greece by John H. Haaren
Cimon Improves Athens The Story of the Greeks by Helene A. Guerber
Cincinnatus Stories from the History of Rome by Emily Beesly
Cincinnatus Famous Men of Rome by John H. Haaren
Cincinnatus and the Aequians Historical Tales: 11—Roman by Charles Morris
Cincinnatus, the Man from the Plough Old World Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
Cinderella Grimm's Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Cinderella The Oak-Tree Fairy Book by Clifton Johnson
Cinderella Nursery Tales Told to the Children by Amy Steedman
Cinderella Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang
Cinderella, or The Glass Slipper The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by Horace Elisha Scudder
Cinderella; or, The Glass Slipper The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper A Child's Book of Stories by Penrhyn W. Coussens
Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper The Fairy Book by Dinah Maria Mulock
Cinderella; or, the Little Glass Slipper Fairy Stories and Fables by James Baldwin
Cintra Peeps at Many Lands: Portugal by Agnes M. Goodall
Circe's Palace Tanglewood Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Circle of Blessing Parables from Nature by Margaret S. Gatty
Circumstantial Evidence Stories of the Border Marches by John Lang
The Circus Parade The Tale of Peter Mink by Arthur Scott Bailey
Citizenship The Growth of the British Empire by M. B. Synge
A City in the Lake The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
The City Is Rebuilt The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
The City of Athens The Story of Greece by Mary Macgregor
The City of Babylon, Cyrus Taketh It Stories of the East from Herodotus by Alfred J. Church
The City of Cities Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Rome by James Baikie
The City of God Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
The City of Gold The Return of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The City of New York Peter of New Amsterdam by James Otis
The City of Para Peeps at Many Lands: South America by Edith A. Browne
"The City of the Heavens" Brave Men and Brave Deeds by M. B. Synge
Civil War Charles I by Jacob Abbott
Civil War The Hammer by Alfred J. Church
The Civil War between King and Parliament The Story of England by Samuel B. Harding
Civil War in America The Growth of the British Empire by M. B. Synge
Civil War in Syracuse The Story of the Greeks by Helene A. Guerber
Claim of the West India Company Peter of New Amsterdam by James Otis
The Clan The Scotch Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins
Clara Barton Builders of Our Country, Book II by Gertrude van Duyn Southworth
Clara Barton and the Red Cross America First by Lawton B. Evans
Clark and His Men Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans by Edward Eggleston
Classes of Nouns Mary's Grammar by Jane Marcet
Claus and His Wonderful Staff Pepper and Salt by Howard Pyle
Cleanor, Son of Lysis Lords of the World by Alfred J. Church
The Cleansing Fire Stories from Dante Told to the Children by Mary Macgregor
The Cleansing of the Temple The Hammer by Alfred J. Church
Clearchus The Retreat of the Ten Thousand by Frances Younghusband
Cleomenes Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
Cleomenes III Famous Men of Greece by John H. Haaren
Cleon, the Greek Boy Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now by Jane Andrews
Cleonice The Crown of Pine by Alfred J. Church
Cleonice to the Rescue The Crown of Pine by Alfred J. Church
Cleopatra a Queen Cleopatra by Jacob Abbott
Cleopatra and Antony Cleopatra by Jacob Abbott
Cleopatra and Caesar Cleopatra by Jacob Abbott
Cleopatra's Father Cleopatra by Jacob Abbott
The Clerk's Tale The Chaucer Story Book by Eva March Tappan
Cleveland—Harrison—Cleveland This Country of Ours by H. E. Marshall
Clever Alice The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
Clever Alice The Fairy Book by Dinah Maria Mulock
Clever Elsie Grimm's Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Clever Elsie Grimm's Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Clever Grethel Grimm's Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Clever Hans Grimm's Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Clever Minister Indian Fables by P. V. Ramaswami Raju
Clever Peter and the Two Bottles Pepper and Salt by Howard Pyle
The Clever Prince Fairy Stories Every Child Should Know by Kate Douglas Wiggin
The Clever Prince The Fairy Ring by Kate Douglas Wiggin
A Clever Slave Fifty Famous People by James Baldwin
The Clever Student and the Master of Black Arts The Wonder Clock by Howard Pyle
The Clever Trick The Story of the Romans by Helene A. Guerber
The Clever Water-Adder Among the Pond People by Clara Dillingham Pierson
The Clever Wife The Oak-Tree Fairy Book by Clifton Johnson
Climbing Alone The Golden Ladder Book by E. Hershey Sneath
Climbing Plants Plant Life in Field and Garden by Arabella B. Buckley
Clive Goes to India The Story of Lord Clive by John Lang
Clive's Boyhood The Story of Lord Clive by John Lang
The Clock Strikes and Maid-alone Stays The Girl Who Sat by the Ashes by Padraic Colum
The Clock Strikes One The Fall of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp
The Close Alliance Tales of the Punjab by Flora Annie Steel
The Close of Life Alfred the Great by Jacob Abbott
Close of the Portuguese War Isabella of Castile by Oliver Otis Howard
The Close of the War Florence Nightingale by Laura E. Richards
The Closed Gates Stories from Dante Told to the Children by Mary Macgregor
The Closing Door Mother Stories by Maud Lindsay
The Closing Years In the Days of Queen Victoria by Eva March Tappan
Closing Years In the Days of Queen Elizabeth by Eva March Tappan
Clotaire and His Relatives The Story of Old France by Helene A. Guerber
Clothing The Secret of Everyday Things by Jean Henri Fabre
The Clotho Spider The Life of the Spider by Jean Henri Fabre
Clotilda of Burgundy, the Girl of the French Vineyards Historic Girls by E. S. Brooks
The Cloud Stories to Tell to Children by Sara Cone Bryant
A Cloud and a Fountain Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers by Mary E. Burt
A Cloud in the East On the Shores of the Great Sea by M. B. Synge
The Clouds Stories from the Greek Comedians by Alfred J. Church
Clouds The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre
Clouds and Sunshine Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
The Clovers Handbook of Nature Study: Cultivated-Plants by Anna B. Comstock
Clovis Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan
Clovis Famous Men of the Middle Ages by John H. Haaren
Clovis Becomes the First King of Franks European Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
Clovis, King of the Franks Barbarian and Noble by Marion Florence Lansing
The Cluster of Grapes from the Land of Canaan Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
Clytie, the Heliotrope Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Coal and Coal-Gas The Secret of Everyday Things by Jean Henri Fabre
Coaly-Bay, The Outlaw Horse Wild Animal Ways by Ernest Thompson Seton
Coaxing the Savages Peter of New Amsterdam by James Otis
The Cobbler and the Turkey Indian Fables by P. V. Ramaswami Raju
The Cobs' Creatures The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
Cobwebs Parables from Nature by Margaret S. Gatty
Cochise, the Chiricahua Apache Chief Famous Indian Chiefs I Have Known by Oliver Otis Howard
The Cock and Hen Popular Tales from the Norse by George Webbe Dasent
The Cock and Hen a-Nutting Popular Tales from the Norse by George Webbe Dasent
The Cock and Hen That Went to the Dovrefell Popular Tales from the Norse by George Webbe Dasent
The Cock and His Three Hens Indian Fables by P. V. Ramaswami Raju
The Cock and the Fox The Aesop for Children by Milo Winter
The Cock and the Fox The Aesop for Children by Milo Winter
The Cock and the Fox Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Cock and the Hen Our Humble Helpers by Jean Henri Fabre
The Cock and the Jewel The Aesop for Children by Milo Winter
The Cock and the Jewel Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Cock, the Cuckoo, and the Blackcock Popular Tales from the Norse by George Webbe Dasent
The Cock, the Mouse and the Little Red Hen Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Around the Fire by Lisa M. Ripperton
The Cock-a-doo-dle-doo Stories to Tell to Children by Sara Cone Bryant
Cockatrice Eggs In the Days of the Guild by Louise Lamprey
The Cockroach Handbook of Nature Study: Insects by Anna B. Comstock
Codfish The Secret of Everyday Things by Jean Henri Fabre
The Codling Moth Handbook of Nature Study: Insects by Anna B. Comstock
Coffee The Secret of Everyday Things by Jean Henri Fabre
Coimbra and Three Old Monasteries Peeps at Many Lands: Portugal by Agnes M. Goodall
Cold Maker's Medicine Blackfeet Indian Stories by George Bird Grinnell
Coleridge and Southey—Sunshine and Shadow English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. Marshall
Colette The Book of Saints and Heroes by Mrs. Lang
Coligny, 1519-1572 Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages by George Hodges
Colonel Cromwell Through Great Britain and Ireland with Cromwell by H. E. Marshall
The Colonel of the Zouaves Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Colonial Expansion and War The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Colonial Schools Stories of the Pilgrims by Margaret B. Pumphrey
The Colonies American History Stories, Volume I by Mara L. Pratt
The Colonies of North America Lafayette by Alma Holman Burton
Colonists in South Africa The Reign of Queen Victoria by M. B. Synge
The Colonization of Mexico Hernando Cortes by Frederick A. Ober
A Colony Pictures from Greek Life and Story by Alfred J. Church
The Colorado Potato-beetle Handbook of Nature Study: Insects by Anna B. Comstock
The Colossus of Rhodes The Story of the Greeks by Helene A. Guerber
Colter's Race for Life America First by Lawton B. Evans
Columba, 521-597 Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages by George Hodges
Columbus A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
Columbus after the Discovery of America A First Book in American History by Edward Eggleston
Columbus and the Egg Thirty More Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin
Columbus and the Egg Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Columbus at La Rabida Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Columbus Discovers America European Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
Columbus in Chains The Discovery of New Worlds by M. B. Synge
The Combat at Carrion The Story of the Cid for Young People by Calvin Dill Wilson
Combustion The Secret of Everyday Things by Jean Henri Fabre
The Comedy of Errors Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare by Edith Nesbit
Comedy of Errors Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb
Coming Home to Turkey Haremlik—Lives of Turkish Women by Demetra Vaka
The Coming of Arthur Our Island Story by H. E. Marshall
The Coming of Buddhism Peeps at History: Japan by John Finnemore
The Coming of Christianity Peeps at History: Japan by John Finnemore
The Coming of Clive India by Victor Surridge
The Coming of Crow-feather-Cloak The Girl Who Sat by the Ashes by Padraic Colum
The Coming of Gareth King Arthur and His Knights by Maude Radford Warren
The Coming of Philip II The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
The Coming of Roland Stories of Charlemagne and the Twelve Peers of France by Alfred J. Church
The Coming of the "Lyon" Ruth of Boston by James Otis
The Coming of the Americans Peeps at Many Lands: Panama by Edith A. Browne
The Coming of the British Our Empire Story by H. E. Marshall
The Coming of the Cavaliers This Country of Ours by H. E. Marshall
The Coming of the Corn Canadian Wonder Tales by Cyrus Macmillan
The Coming of the Dutch Our Empire Story by H. E. Marshall
The Coming of the Emir of Babylon Stories of Roland Told to the Children by H. E. Marshall
The Coming of the English The Story of England by Samuel B. Harding
The Coming of the English Peter of New Amsterdam by James Otis
The Coming of the French Our Empire Story by H. E. Marshall
The Coming of the Georges The Hanoverians by C. J. B. Gaskoin
The Coming of the Germans The French Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins
The Coming of the King The Golden Windows by Laura E. Richards
The Coming of the King The Nursery Book of Bible Stories by Amy Steedman
The Coming of the King AO Year 2 New Testament Readings by Bible
The Coming of the King St. Matthew by J. Paterson Smyth
The Coming of the King For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The Coming of the Normans Peeps at History: Ireland by Beatrice Home
The Coming of the Northmen The Story of Europe by H. E. Marshall
The Coming of the Prince In the Days of Queen Victoria by Eva March Tappan
The Coming of the Romans Our Island Story by H. E. Marshall
The Coming of the Round Ship Barbary Rovers by John Finnemore
The Coming of the Sea-Rovers The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
The Coming of the Sons of Lodbrog In the Days of Alfred the Great by Eva March Tappan
The Coming of the Teutons to England Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan
The Coming of the Teutons to England European Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
The Coming of the Witch People Barbarian and Noble by Marion Florence Lansing
Coming Out Buz by Maurice Noel
Commencement of the Reign Peter the Great by Jacob Abbott
Commodore John Paul Jones Boys' Book of Sea Fights by Chelsea Curtis Fraser
Commodore Perry American History Stories, Volume III by Mara L. Pratt
The Common Buttercup Handbook of Nature Study: Wild-flowers by Anna B. Comstock
The Common Sucker Handbook of Nature Study: Fish by Anna B. Comstock
The Common Toad Handbook of Nature Study: Frogs and Toads by Anna B. Comstock
Commonwealth and Protectorate (1649-1660) The Story of England by Samuel B. Harding
The Commonwealth—The Adventures of a Prince Our Island Story by H. E. Marshall
The Commonwealth—The Lord Protector Our Island Story by H. E. Marshall
A Commotion in the Hall Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
The Commune of Laon Historical Tales:6— French by Charles Morris
A Compact with the Enemy Vasco Nunez de Balboa by Frederick A. Ober
Company at the Farm The Spartan Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins
A Compensation Heidi by Johanna Spyri
Composition of the Army With the Boer Forces by Howard C. Hillegas
A Comrade The Little Duke by Charlotte M. Yonge
Comrades Pollyanna Grows Up by Eleanor H. Porter
Conal and Donal and Taig Donegal Fairy Stories by Seumas MacManus
Conall Yellowclaw Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
Concerning Jehoram, King of Judah Our Young Folks' Josephus by William Shepard
Concerning Jesuits in Canada Peeps at History: Canada by Beatrice Home
Concerning Other Valiant Deeds The Iliad for Boys and Girls by Alfred J. Church
Concerning Samson, and What Mischiefs He Wrought upon the Philistines Our Young Folks' Josephus by William Shepard
Concerning Stings Will o' the Wasps by Margaret Warner Morley
Concerning the Tartars The Crusaders by Alfred J. Church
Concerning This History The Crusaders by Alfred J. Church
A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
Conclusion Romulus by Jacob Abbott
Conclusion Charles II by Jacob Abbott
Conclusion Genghis Khan by Jacob Abbott
Conclusion The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
Conclusion Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
Conclusion South Africa by Ian D. Colvin
Conclusion Peter the Great by Jacob Abbott
Conclusion The Land of the Golden Trade by John Lang
Conclusion Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Conclusion William the Conqueror by Jacob Abbott
Conclusion A Boy of Old Japan by Robert Van Bergen
The Conclusion Queen Elizabeth by Jacob Abbott
Conclusion The Coral Island by Robert M. Ballantyne
Conclusion Isabella of Castile by Oliver Otis Howard
Conclusion Margaret of Anjou by Jacob Abbott
Conclusion of the Tour Peter the Great by Jacob Abbott
The Condemnation and Death of Alexis Peter the Great by Jacob Abbott
The Condition of Exile Callias, A Tale of the Fall of Athens by Alfred J. Church
The Condition of Spain A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
The Condition of the Colony Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Condition of the People The Story of Mexico by Charles Morris
The Confederate States American History Stories, Volume IV by Mara L. Pratt
A Conference A Boy of Old Japan by Robert Van Bergen
A Conference with Tissaphernes The Retreat of the Ten Thousand by Frances Younghusband
The Conflict Between Moors and Christians The Romance of Spanish History by John S. C. Abbott
Confucius, 551-479 B.C. The Story of China by Robert Van Bergen
Confucius, the Chinese Scholar Historical Tales: 12—Japanese and Chinese by Charles Morris
A Congenial Task Life of Gladstone by M. B. Synge
The Congress of Vienna The Struggle for Sea Power by M. B. Synge
Connla and the Fairy Maiden Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
Conquered by Rome Stories of the Ancient Greeks by Charles D. Shaw
Conquering the Warlike Apaches Indian History for Young Folks by Francis S. Drake
Conquering the Yellow Fever America First by Lawton B. Evans
The Conqueror (Alexander) The Children's Plutarch: Tales of the Greeks by F. J. Gould
The Conqueror of Pirates (Pompey) The Children's Plutarch: Tales of the Romans by F. J. Gould
Conquerors of the Sea On the Shores of the Great Sea by M. B. Synge
The Conquest A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
The Conquest of Babylon Cyrus the Great by Jacob Abbott
The Conquest of Central Asia Historical Tales: 12—Japanese and Chinese by Charles Morris
The Conquest of Gaul Julius Caesar by Jacob Abbott
The Conquest of Granada The Romance of Spanish History by John S. C. Abbott
Conquest of India On the Shores of the Great Sea by M. B. Synge
The Conquest of Lydia Cyrus the Great by Jacob Abbott
The Conquest of Mexico A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
The Conquest of Palestine The World at War by M. B. Synge
The Conquest of Peru America First by Lawton B. Evans
The Conquest of Peru A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
Conquest of Peru The Discovery of New Worlds by M. B. Synge
The Conquest of Siberia Historical Tales: 8--Russian by Charles Morris
The Conquest of Spain by the Arabs The Story of Europe by H. E. Marshall
Conquest of the East On the Shores of the Great Sea by M. B. Synge
Conquests in China Genghis Khan by Jacob Abbott
The Conquests of Bassus Our Young Folks' Josephus by William Shepard
The Conquests of Caesar Helmet and Spear by Alfred J. Church
Conquests of the Gauls The Story of Old France by Helene A. Guerber
Conrad I A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Conrad II A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Conrad III A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
Conrad IV and the Great Interregnum A History of Germany by H. E. Marshall
The Considerateness of Christ St. Mark by J. Paterson Smyth
The Consolidation Cecil Rhodes by Ian D. Colvin
Conspiracies of Villena Isabella of Castile by Oliver Otis Howard
The Conspiracy Julius Caesar by Jacob Abbott
The Conspiracy of Catiline The Story of the Romans by Helene A. Guerber
Conspiracy of the Caciques Vasco Nunez de Balboa by Frederick A. Ober
The Constant Green Jerkin The Sons o' Cormac by Aldis Dunbar
The Constant Singers The Burgess Bird Book for Children by Thornton Burgess
The Constant Tin Soldier Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales and Wonder Stories by Hans Christian Andersen
The Constant Tin Soldier The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
Constantine the Great Old World Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
Constantine the Great Famous Men of Rome by John H. Haaren
Constantinople Eothen: Traces of Travel in the East by A. W. Kinglake
The Constitution and the Guerriere American History Stories, Volume III by Mara L. Pratt
Consultation The Count on the Saxon Shore by Alfred J. Church
The Contented Earthworms Among the Meadow People by Clara Dillingham Pierson
Contest for Durandal The Story of Roland by James Baldwin
A Contest for the Crown Historical Tales: 4—English by Charles Morris
The Contest with Pharaoh Moses and the Exodus by J. Paterson Smyth
The Continental System The Hanoverians by C. J. B. Gaskoin
The Contraband of Port Royal American History Stories, Volume IV by Mara L. Pratt
Contrabands American History Stories, Volume IV by Mara L. Pratt
The Convention at the Big Rock The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat by Thornton Burgess
Conversations Cyrus the Great by Jacob Abbott
Conversations with Columbus Amerigo Vespucci by Frederick A. Ober
Conversion and Conquests of Clovis The Story of Old France by Helene A. Guerber
The Converted Britons The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
Converting the Natives Ferdinand Magellan by Frederick A. Ober
Cook Becomes a Man-o'-War's Man The Story of Captain Cook by John Lang
Cook Discovers New Zealand A Book of Discovery by M. B. Synge
Cook in the Antarctic Ice—His Discovery of New Caledonia—Massacre of the Adventure's Boat's Crew in New Zealand The Story of Captain Cook by John Lang
Cook Is Promoted, and Starts on His Second Voyage The Story of Captain Cook by John Lang
Cook Is Raised to the Rank of Lieutenant—He Begins His First Voyage round the World The Story of Captain Cook by John Lang
Cook Sails up the Unknown East Coast of Australia; thence Home The Story of Captain Cook by John Lang
Cook Visits New Zealand for the First Time The Story of Captain Cook by John Lang
Cook's Birth and Boyhood—He Goes to Sea The Story of Captain Cook by John Lang
Cook's Third and Last Voyage—His Death The Story of Captain Cook by John Lang
Cook's Third Voyage and Death A Book of Discovery by M. B. Synge
Cooking a Turkey Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Cooking Indian Corn Stephen of Philadelphia by James Otis
The Cooky The Golden Windows by Laura E. Richards
The Cooky How To Tell Stories to Children and Some Stories To Tell by Sara Cone Bryant
Copenhagen The Struggle for Sea Power by M. B. Synge
Copernicus and His Famous Theory Stories of the Great Scientists by Charles R. Gibson
Coral Island The Coral Island by Robert M. Ballantyne
The Coral Reef The Coral Island by Robert M. Ballantyne
The Coral-Reef Madam How and Lady Why by Charles Kingsley
Corea and it Neighbors Historical Tales: 12—Japanese and Chinese by Charles Morris
Corinth Lords of the World by Alfred J. Church
Corinth The Crown of Pine by Alfred J. Church
A Corinthian Assembly Lords of the World by Alfred J. Church
Coriolanus Famous Men of Rome by John H. Haaren
Coriolanus On the Shores of the Great Sea by M. B. Synge
Coriolanus Historical Tales from Shakespeare by Arthur Quiller-Couch
Coriolanus Plutarch's Lives by W. H. Weston
Coriolanus and His Mother Veturia The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Cornelia's Jewels Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin
Cornelia's Jewels Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Cornelia, the Mother of the Gracchi The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Cornstalk Leads the Warriors Boy's Book of Indian Warriors by Edwin L. Sabin
Cornwall The Counties of England by Charlotte Mason
Coronado and the Seven Cities of Cibola Historical Tales: 3—Spanish American by Charles Morris
The Coronation Richard I by Jacob Abbott
The Coronation Richard II by Jacob Abbott
The Coronation In the Days of Queen Victoria by Eva March Tappan
The Coronation Richard III by Jacob Abbott
The Coronation of Henry IV The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
Corporal Dobson of the Coldstream Guards Heroes of the Great War by G. A. Leask
The Corps of Discovery Of Courage Undaunted by James Daugherty
Cortes Conquers the Aztec Empire The Story of Mexico by Charles Morris
Cortes Destroys his Fleet Hernando Cortes by Frederick A. Ober
Cortes Explores and Conquers Mexico A Book of Discovery by M. B. Synge
Cortes Sets Out for Mexico Hernando Cortes by Frederick A. Ober
Cortez Burns his Boats Mexico by Margaret Duncan Kelly
Cortez Driven Out of Mexico A Child's History of Spain by John Bonner
Cotton The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre
The Cotton Plant Handbook of Nature Study: Cultivated-Plants by Anna B. Comstock
The Cotton-tail Rabbit Handbook of Nature Study: Mammals by Anna B. Comstock
The Cottonwood or Carolina Poplar Handbook of Nature Study: Trees by Anna B. Comstock
The Council The Aeneid for Boys and Girls by Alfred J. Church
The Council Stories from the Iliad Told to the Children by Jeanie Lang
A Council Callias, A Tale of the Fall of Athens by Alfred J. Church
The Council Held by the Rats Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Council of the Clan A Boy of Old Japan by Robert Van Bergen
Council of War Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Council of Ways and Means The Story of the Treasure Seekers by Edith Nesbit
The Council with the Munchkins The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Count Frontenac Our Empire Story by H. E. Marshall
Count Hugo's Sword Troubadour Tales by Evaleen Stein
Count Von Bismarck Famous Men of Modern Times by John H. Haaren
The Count's Tax Gabriel and the Hour Book by Evaleen Stein
Counter-Plotting The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald
The Countess Explains The Return of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Countess Itha A Child's Book of Saints by William Canton
Country Dances, Songs and Legends Peeps at Many Lands: Portugal by Agnes M. Goodall
A Country Fellow and a River The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
A Country Fellow and the River The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by Horace Elisha Scudder
Country Life Roman Life in the Days of Cicero by Alfred J. Church
Country Life in the Day of the Plantagenets The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
Country Life in the Middle Ages European Hero Stories by Eva March Tappan
Country Life in the Middle Ages Heroes of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan
The Country Maid and Her Milk-Pail The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Country Maid and Her Milk-Pail The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Stories to Tell to Children by Sara Cone Bryant
The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Country of the Quadlings The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Country Ways and Country Folk Peeps at Many Lands: Portugal by Agnes M. Goodall
Country Ways and Country Folk (continued) Peeps at Many Lands: Portugal by Agnes M. Goodall
The Courage of His Convictions Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
The Court Aroused A Boy of Old Japan by Robert Van Bergen
The Court Cards Wonder Stories Told for Children by Hans Christian Andersen
The Court Cards Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales and Wonder Stories by Hans Christian Andersen
The Court of the Lions Irving's Alhambra by Washington Irving
The Court of the Queen Stories from the Faerie Queen by Mary MacLeod
The Court of the Sovereigns Isabella of Castile by Oliver Otis Howard
Courtship and Marriage in Africa Wild Life Under the Equator by Paul du Chaillu
Cousin Greylegs, the Red Fox, and Grandfather Mole The Wonder Clock by Howard Pyle
The Covenant and Its Sign AO Year 2 Old Testament Readings by Bible
The Covering of Animals Home Geography by C. C. Long
Covey, the Negro-Breaker My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass
The Cow Story The Sandman: His Farm Stories by Willliam J. Hopkins
The Coward of Beni Sads The Lance of Kanana by Harry W. French
The Cowardly Lion The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
The Cowherd Who Became a Poet Fifty Famous People by James Baldwin
Cowper—"The Task" English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. Marshall
The Cows The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre
Coyote the Hungry The Red Indian Fairy Book by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Coyote the Proud The Red Indian Fairy Book by Frances Jenkins Olcott
The Crab and His Mother Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Crab and His Mother Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Crab and His Mother The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Crab and the Crane Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Crab Spider The Life of the Spider by Jean Henri Fabre
The Crab That Played with the Sea Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling
A Crabbing Expedition Lost in the Jungle by Paul du Chaillu
Cradles Seed-Babies by Margaret Warner Morley
The Crane and the Crab The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai by Maude Barrows Dutton
The Crane and the Fool Indian Fables by P. V. Ramaswami Raju
The Crane in the Wheatfields The Oak-Tree Fairy Book by Clifton Johnson
The Crane, the Crab, and the Fish Indian Fables by P. V. Ramaswami Raju
The Cranes of Ibycus Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers by Mary E. Burt
Cranmer at the Traitors' Gate The World's Story: England by Eva March Tappan
Cranmer, 1489-1556 Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages by George Hodges
A Crash Landing Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
Crassus Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman
The Crayfish Handbook of Nature Study: Invertebrates by Anna B. Comstock
The Crayfish Mother Among the Pond People by Clara Dillingham Pierson
Crazy Horse Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains by Charles A. Eastman
The Creation The Story of the Chosen People by Helene A. Guerber
The Creation Story AO Year 2 Old Testament Readings by Bible
The Creation Story Genesis by J. Paterson Smyth
A Creek of Snakes Wild Life Under the Equator by Paul du Chaillu
The Cricket and the Poet For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Crickets and Grasshoppers Insect Life by Arabella B. Buckley
The Crickets' School Among the Meadow People by Clara Dillingham Pierson
The Crime and Punishment of King Birger Historical Tales: 9--Scandinavian by Charles Morris
The Crime of Charlotte Corday Old Time Tales by Lawton B. Evans
The Crimean Monument Tales from St. Paul's Cathedral by Mrs. Frewen Lord
The Crimean War The Growth of the British Empire by M. B. Synge
A Criminal Lawyer Pictures from Roman Life and Story by Alfred J. Church
The Cripple at the King's Table Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
The Cripple at the Pool and the Withered Hand Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
The Crippled Sparrow Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
The Critic; or, The Second Story of Midas Gods and Heroes by Robert Edward Francillon
The Critical Day AO Year 2 Old Testament Readings by Bible
The Critical Struggle (continued) Stories from Ancient Rome by Alfred J. Church
Croaker Crow Tries His Hand at Teaching Dwellers of the Marsh Realm by Archie P. McKishnie
The Crocus Handbook of Nature Study: Cultivated-Plants by Anna B. Comstock
Croesus Cyrus the Great by Jacob Abbott
Croesus Is Saved from Death. Of Lydia, the Lydians, and of Certain Greeks That Dwelt in Asia Stories of the East from Herodotus by Alfred J. Church
Croesus, Wishing to Make War against the Persians, Consulteth the Oracles Stories of the East from Herodotus by Alfred J. Church
Cromwell and the Parliament Historical Tales: 4—English by Charles Morris
Cromwell—For the Crown Scotland's Story by H. E. Marshall
Cromwell—How the Soldier Poet Died Scotland's Story by H. E. Marshall
Cromwell, 1599-1658 Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages by George Hodges
The Cross of the Dumb Christmas in Legend and Story: A Book for Boys and Girls by Elva S. Smith
The Crossing of the Euphrates The Retreat of the Ten Thousand by Frances Younghusband
The Crossing of the Hellespont Xerxes by Jacob Abbott
The Crossing of the Kentrites The Retreat of the Ten Thousand by Frances Younghusband
The Crossing of the Red Sea Our Young Folks' Josephus by William Shepard
The Crossing of the Rubicon The Story of the Romans by Helene A. Guerber
Crossing the Channel William the Conqueror by Jacob Abbott
Crossing the Continent America First by Lawton B. Evans
Crossing the Hellespont Alexander the Great by Jacob Abbott
Crossing the Red Sea Moses and the Exodus by J. Paterson Smyth
Crossing the Rubicon Thirty More Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin
Crossing the Rubicon Julius Caesar by Jacob Abbott
The Crow Handbook of Nature Study: Birds by Anna B. Comstock
The Crow and the Dawn Indian Fables by P. V. Ramaswami Raju
The Crow and the Fox For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The Crow and the Fox The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Crow and the Pitcher The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Crow and the Pitcher READING-LITERATURE: Second Reader by Harriette Taylor Treadwell
The Crow and the Pitcher Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Crow and the Pitcher For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
The Crow and the Pitcher The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Crow and the Pitcher Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
The Crow and the Pitcher The Aesop for Children by Milo Winter
The Crow and the Pitcher A Child's Book of Stories by Penrhyn W. Coussens
The Crow That Thought It Knew Eastern Stories and Legends by Marie L. Shedlock
The Crow, the Jackal, the Wolf, and the Camel The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai by Maude Barrows Dutton
Crow-feather-Cloak Again The Girl Who Sat by the Ashes by Padraic Colum
Crow-Ways Ways of Wood Folk by William J. Long
The Crown a Burden Joseph Bonaparte by John S. C. Abbott
A Crown of Froebel's Jewels Kindergarten Gems by Agnes Taylor Ketchum
The Crown of Thorns Hurlbut's Story of the Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
The Crowning Mercy Through Great Britain and Ireland with Cromwell by H. E. Marshall
The Crowning of Charlemagne Historical Tales:6— French by Charles Morris
The Crowning of Powhatan Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
The Crtitical Struggle Stories from Ancient Rome by Alfred J. Church
Crucified, Dead, and Buried When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels by George Hodges
The Crucifixion AO Year 2 New Testament Readings by Bible
The Crucifixion St. Mark by J. Paterson Smyth
A Crude Kind of Chimney Richard of Jamestown by James Otis
Cruel Brother Kumran The Adventures of Akbar by Flora Annie Steel
The Cruel Crane Outwitted Indian Folk and Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
The Cruel Deed of Tullia The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
The Cruel Tribute Old Greek Stories by James Baldwin
The Cruelty of the Spaniards to the Indians Historical Tales: 3—Spanish American by Charles Morris
A Cruise Lucius, Adventures of a Roman Boy by Alfred J. Church
The Cruise of the Coracle Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Crumbling of Russia The Little Book of the War by Eva March Tappan
The Crumbs on the Table Grimm's Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Crusade Against Beards and Cloaks Historical Tales: 8--Russian by Charles Morris
The Crusade of Frederick II Historical Tales: 5—German by Charles Morris
The Crusade of St. Louis The Story of the Crusades by E. M. Wilmot-Buxton
The Crusade of the Grand Master of Alcantara Irving's Alhambra by Washington Irving
The Crusades The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem Van Loon
The Crusades: The Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem—The Founding of the Great Orders of Knighthood The Story of Europe by H. E. Marshall
The Crusades: The Latin Empire of Constantinople The Story of Europe by H. E. Marshall
A Cry in the Night School of the Woods by William J. Long
The Crystal Ball Grimm's Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Crystal Growth Handbook of Nature Study: Earth and Sky by Anna B. Comstock
Cuba and Hayti The Story of Columbus by Gladys M. Imlach
Cuba's Fight for Freedom Spain: A History for Young Readers by Frederick A. Ober
The Cuckoo and the Eagle Aesop's Fables by J. H. Stickney
Cudjoe and the Maroons of Jamaica Historical Tales: 3—Spanish American by Charles Morris
Cuffy and the Maple-Sugar The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy and the Wonderful Spring The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Bear Goes Swimming The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Bear Goes to Market The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Bear Grows Sleepy The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Climbs Blue Mountain The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Finds a Porcupine The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Frightens His Mother The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Learns Something The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Learns To Swim The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Likes Baked Beans The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Meets a Man The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Wakes Up The Tale of Cuffy Bear by Arthur Scott Bailey
Cumberland and Westmoreland The Counties of England by Charlotte Mason
The Cunning Little Tailor Grimm's Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Cunning Snake Nights with Uncle Remus by Joel Chandler Harris
The Cunning Wolf More Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Cup of Hemlock Pictures from Greek Life and Story by Alfred J. Church
Cupid and Apollo A Child's Book of Myths and Enchantment Tales by Margaret Evans Price
Cupid and Psyche Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew by Josephine Preston Peabody
Cupid and Psyche For the Children's Hour by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Cupid and Psyche Good Stories for Great Holidays by Frances Jenkins Olcott
Curdie and His Mother The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
Curdie Comes to Grief The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
Curdie's Clue The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
Curdie's Father and Mother The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald
Curdie's Guide The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
Curdie's Mission The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald
Curious African Birds Wild Life Under the Equator by Paul du Chaillu
A Curious Way To Pay Debts Conversations on Government by Jane Marcet
The Curly-Tailed Lion Dutch Fairy Tales by William E. Griffis
The Curse Stories of the Magicians by Alfred J. Church
The Curse of Echo Children of the Dawn by Elsie Finnimore Buckley
The Curse of Gold The Story of Siegfried by James Baldwin
The Curse of Polyphemus Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew by Josephine Preston Peabody
The Curtian Gulf Historical Tales: 11—Roman by Charles Morris
The Curtian Lake The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor
Curved Lines First Drawing Lessons by Philip H. Delamotte
Customs in the Colonies American History Stories, Volume I by Mara L. Pratt
Cut-mouth John Famous Indian Chiefs I Have Known by Oliver Otis Howard
"Cutta Cord-La!" Nights with Uncle Remus by Joel Chandler Harris
Cuvier and the Animals of the Past Children's Stories of the Great Scientists by Henrietta Christian Wright
The Cyclone The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
The Cyclops The Children's Book by Horace Elisha Scudder
The Cyclops The Odyssey for Boys and Girls by Alfred J. Church
Cylon Fails To Make Himself Tyrant The Story of Greece by Mary Macgregor
Cymbeline Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb
Cymbeline Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare by Edith Nesbit
Cyprian, 200-258 Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages by George Hodges
Cyprus Eothen: Traces of Travel in the East by A. W. Kinglake
Cyrus H. McCormick and the Invention of the Reaper Great Inventors and Their Inventions by Frank P. Bachman
Cyrus Maketh War against the Massagetae, and Dieth Stories of the East from Herodotus by Alfred J. Church
Cyrus McCormick Builders of Our Country, Book II by Gertrude van Duyn Southworth
Cyrus Overthroweth Astyages and Taketh the Kingdom to Himself Stories of the East from Herodotus by Alfred J. Church
Cyrus the Great Soldiers and Sailors by Charles F. Horne
Cyrus the Younger Callias, A Tale of the Fall of Athens by Alfred J. Church

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